Chapter 15 - What's Going To Happen To Me?

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We had been driving for about two and a half hours when the car came to an abrupt stop. My breathing quickened and I could hear my heart beat in my ears again. I have no idea where I am.

“Where…where are we?” I asked nervously as they stepped out of the car.

“You don’t need to know,” the darker blonde answered as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car.

I took a quick look around at my surroundings as we walked up to an unknown house. We’re somewhere in the city, I know that for sure. But, that won’t help me much when I’m going to need someone to come get me later on.

Sweat beaded off my face as I was pushed inside of the strangers house.

“Michael!” the dark haired guy called out.

This house really was disgusting. Rubbish pretty much everywhere, thick layers of dust on everything. Seriously, it looked like someone hadn’t lived here in years. Plus it had the putrid smell of something dead.

Suddenly someone came appeared in the doorway of the lounge room.

“What the fuck do you cunts want?” the guy asked rubbing his eyes like he had just woken up.

I looked ‘Michael’ over. I can understand why this place is such a dump. He looks just as bad. Hair down to his shoulders that looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, a patchy two week growth one his face and clothes that were covered in stains and sweat.

“The money,” the dark haired guy answered and glanced at me for a second, “for the stuff.”

What? What stuff?

“You’ve got it, don’t you?” the darked blonde asked.

“Yes, of course I’ve got it, just hang on a sec,” he replied and disappeared down the hallway.

What do they mean by “stuff”? I was too scared to ask. My urge to cut again picked up. I need my razor so much right now. Any blade. Anything sharp. I just need to sink something into my skin. I need that adrenaline rush of watching my blood fall from my veins.

“Here,” Michael returned, a couple of hundred bucks in his hand.

 “This better be enough,” the dark haired guy took it from his hand.

Enough for what? A gun to kill me? What the hell do they need it for?

“It is,” Michael responded as I was pushed out of the house and back into the car.

“Where are we going now?” I questioned as the car was started.

“To get the stuff,” the dark haired guy replied.

“What stuff?” I asked afraid of the answer.

“Our fun,” the blonde next to me laughed.

What do they even mean? Is this some sick joke they’re playing on me?

“Do you mean booze?” I questioned, I thought it was logical.

They all laughed hysterically. What did I say?

“You’ve really got no idea, do you?” the guy next to me laughed.

“Are you gonna kill me?” I suddenly asked after everything had gone silent.

“We’re not,” the dark blonde in the passenger seat answered.

“You’ll probably do that yourself,” the dark haired guy added.

Do they know about my cutting…?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Some people can’t handle the fun,” the dark haired guy winked to the others.

Now I’m seriously scared for my life. Are they insinuating that I could die tonight? This can’t be happening…

The car suddenly stopped outside another strange house. The dark haired guy got out leaving me with the other two while he ran into the house, money in hand.

I gulped when I saw him return without the money, but with a black backpack instead. I’m too scared to know what’s in it. Probably the thing that’s going to kill me…

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