Chapter 9 - The Party

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Andy pulled up at a house that had music blaring so loud that it was shaking the walls. The worst part was that it was mainstream crap with computer-generated instrumentals. You couldn’t even call it music. We all stepped out of the car into the summer night air, Andy stood in front of Bradie and I before we could move.

“Alright, stay together the whole time,” he demanded, “and remember what I said.”

“Wait, where are you going?” I asked as he started walking off.

“Away from you two,” he answered and continued walking, “I don’t want anyone to know that I was the one that brought kids to the party.”

Bradie looked at me and shrugged. We both made our way to the front door. Bradie turned the handle opening the door and I felt the music make my brain ache. There were say many people here! Most of them were already drunk and it’s only ten.

We both made our way through the drunk and probably underage teenagers. The stench of cheap beer and bile present in my nostrils. I looked back for a second and couldn’t see Bradie. My heart starting beating faster. What if some huge dude has snatched him?

I searched through the intoxicated crowd with my eyes and then I saw him! A girl at least three years older than him with her lips attached to his neck. He actually looked really confused and awkward.

I sighed and grabbed ahold of his arm and pulled him away from the overly horny chick. He came out laughing with his hair a mess and his clothes all messed up.

“Did I just lose my virginity?” he laughed holding his bruised neck.

“Definitely not,” I replied laughing at him.

“Good, ‘cause that was painful,” he responded touching his neck, “how can anyone like that?”

“I think that’s more of someone marking their territory than something that feels good,” I answered.

“So now I’m someone’s property?” he questioned, “I would normally be angered by that, but a girl put her lips on me, so…”

“Score?” I finished for him.

“Exactly,” he replied giggling.

We walked to the kitchen counter where all the drinks were kept. Just looking over them all I could tell they were all alcoholic.

“I don’t think there’s anything but booze here,” I informed Bradie.

He shrugged and picked up two Cruisers handing one to me.

“But Andy said…” I started.

“Who cares what Andy said,” he cut me off, “besides, it’s a Cruiser, it’s twelve year old alcohol.”

I sighed, he was right. It’s pretty much cordial. I was about to take a sip, but Bradie nudged me.

“Those girls are whispering about us,” he said quietly to me looking over in their direction.

I smiled at them and took a sip from the bottle.

“Definitely gay,” one of them said loudly and they both walked off.

Bradie burst out laughing.

“What? How?” I questioned extremely confused.

“Guys who drink twelve year old alcohol, it’s pussy repellent,” he laughed his voice cracking.

“You could’ve said that,” I replied annoyed.

“You shouldn’t have drank any when they were looking at us,” he giggled.

“I was trying to look more grown up,” I responded.

“As grown up as a twelve year old,” he laughed.

“Just shut up, okay,” I shoved him in the shoulder.

He continued to laugh at my stupidness, but I blocked it all out when I saw them. My bullies, they were here. My heart jumped into my throat, I couldn’t let them see me!

“Um, Bradie lets go outside,” I said quickly.

“Why? I’m happy in here,” he replied.

“Just…,” I tried to think of something quickly, “I’m really hot in here.”

“It’s just as hot out there,” he said looking at me confused, “just take your hoodie off.”

“No, Bradie we have to go!” I panicked grabbing his arm and pulling him outside with me.

“What’s your problem?” he questioned as I let go of his hand once we were out.

“Just…I needed to be outside,” I lied looking inside at my bullies, they had their backs turned.

“Who are they?” he asked looking in the direction I was.


“Who? What? I don’t know them,” I said all really quickly, he knew something was up.

“You needed to get away from them,” he started, “Shaun…who are they?”

I think I may have just been found out. The question is: do I tell him the truth…?

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