Chapter 23 - "Emo Fag" Exposed

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The whole car ride to school I kept getting weird looks from Andy. Occasionally he’d look back in the rear view mirror directly at me with a curious look on his face.

“What Andy?” I questioned, getting annoyed.

“Just wondering…” he trailed off.

“Wondering what?” I asked.

“It was something that was going around school yesterday,” he answered, turning his sights back on the road in front of him.

“Well, what is it?” I said feeling a little nervous.

Something about me? Going around the school? I knew everyone hated me. I knew it, I just knew it.

“It’s just…” he tried to find the words, “that you’re a suicidal emo freak that cuts yourself…”

I fell silent and Bradie turned back and looked at me sympathetically.

“What? Is it true?!” Andy demanded to know.

“No, of course not,” I lied, looking down at my arms that were covered with the sleeves of my school jumper.

“Thank god,” Andy laughed, “I defended the crap out of you yesterday.”

“Did people believe you?” I asked hopeful.

“Not really,” he answered, “you can just prove them wrong today anyway.”

“Yeah…” I nervously laughed, “I guess I can…”

Twenty minutes later we arrived late to school and I headed straight to my first class, English. As I opened the door I felt all eyes on me. Even though I’m in a band I hate being the centre of attention. I prefer to go unnoticed by everyone. At least then I wouldn’t embarrass myself.

“Sorry I’m late,” I said to the teacher, pushing my fringe off my face.

She nodded and gestured me for me to sit down.

I took a seat right up the back off the room by myself, as always. The only thing that sucked was that my bullies sat up the back too. I know they wouldn’t try anything in the classroom, but I still hated being so close to them.

They snickered to themselves as I sat down and opened my book. I tried to ignore them, pretend I couldn’t hear them. But they knew I could. They knew I was petrified by just their presence.

“Get over your high yet?” the dark haired one asked.

“Just leave me alone,” I answered, keeping my eyes down.

“Feisty,” the blonde one laughed.

“Why are you in such a shitty mood?” the dark haired one tried to look into my eyes, but I kept them from his view.

I didn’t answer. I knew if I did they wouldn’t stop. I just hope they got bored from not getting a reaction from me.

“Oi!” he shoved me lightly, “we asked you a question.”

I just pretended to be writing in my book, trying to block them out. They’re not going to stop. This is never going to end.

“Is it because everyone knows your secret now?” the dark haired one said with an evil grin.

I should’ve known they would’ve been the one to let my secret out. They’re the only ones that’ve seen my arms besides Bradie…and my brother.

“Shut up, okay,” I replied angrily.

“You know…” the dark haired one began, “not everyone believes that you’re the emo fag you are…”

I had no idea what he was getting at.

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously, a little afraid of the answer.

“Just…this,” he grabbed ahold of my arm, pulling me up.

It took everything for me to not cry out in pain from his tight grip wrapped around my damaged arm.

He ripped my sleeve up, causing some more bleeding after it went over the healing scars, “told you he was an arm-cutting emo freak everyone!”

Everyone in the room including the teacher turned their attention towards me. All eyes were on the scars and cuts I made up my arm. I felt tears beginning to burn in my eyes after I saw some kids laughing.

I ripped my arm out of his grip and ran out of the classroom, tears already starting to fall.

I’ve been exposed for the “emo fag” I am now…

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