Chapter 24 - Shaun's Missing...Again

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After I was exploited in front of everyone I ran down the hallways and out the door into the hot summer air. I couldn’t stop the tears pouring from my eyes, I was at the point of cracking. I kicked the side of the building in frustration, hurting my foot in the process. I can’t handle this anymore!

I sprinted to the student carpark, heading straight for Andy’s car. As I reached the rust bucket I peeked inside the window. Looking at the ignition I saw that the keys were still in there. Thank god Andy’s so stupid!

I yanked the door open and jumped into the driver’s seat. I pulled the seat forward and started the ignition. I gulped when I heard the engine start, I really have no idea how to drive, I’m only fifteen.

I carefully put the handbrake down and pushed the gear into ‘drive’. I nervously pulled out of the carpark, it’s time to end this.


After the bell for recess rang I stood by Shaun’s locker waiting for him to return. I hoped he was alright and these rumours weren’t bothering him too much. The guys that started it are just low-life fucks. I think everyone else would be on his side anyway.

Suddenly a heap of kids from Shaun’s class appeared at the lockers, dumping their books in them. I scanned the crowd for Shaun, I couldn’t see him. He’s pretty tiny like me anyway, I’m sure he’s here somewhere.

But, as the crowd began to subside my heart rate picked up. He still wasn’t here. Maybe something did happen…

“Hey,” I tapped the shoulder of a boy with shaggy blonde hair, “have you seen Shaun?”

“Shaun…?” he trailed off, not knowing who I was talking about.

“Shaun Diviney,” I informed him, “I think he’s in your English class.”

“Um…” he thought for a second, “do you mean that emo dude that cuts his arms?”

“Uhh…” I wasn’t sure how to answer.

“He ran off because he got his sleeve pulled up in front of everyone,” he explained and I swallowed hard, “can you believe he does stuff like that? What a fag.”

I nervously laughed, but I really wanted to punch him in the face for calling my best friend that.

“Do you know where he went?” I questioned curiously.

“Nah, he just ran off crying,” he answered, “anyway, I’ve gotta go.”

“Okay, thanks,” I waved him off as he walked away.

Shaun got exposed? I bet I could guess who it was that did it. I’m so fucking over them bullying him. He never did anything. He’s actually one of the nicest kid’s when you sit down and talk to him. But now the whole school just thinks he cuts himself for attention. I have to find Andy to help me find him.

I ran towards the music rooms, I knew he always hung out there. As I got closer I could see him leaning against the building with a few other year elevens around him. But, when I reached him I saw that he had his arm around some unknown girl.

“Bradie?” he said as he saw me and removed his arm from the girl, “what are you doing here?”

“Andy, I need your help,” I answered, panting from running so fast.

“Andy, who is this?” one of the guys asked laughing slightly.

“He’s my little brother,” he replied sheepishly, “What Bradie? Can’t you just get Shaun to help you?”

“I can’t find him,” I answered.

“Well, go find him,” he said trying to shoo me away.

I was obviously embarrassing him in front of his friends. But, Shaun’s way more important than his reputation.

“He’s gone missing though!” I shouted, annoyed that he wasn’t listening to me.

“He’s probably gonna wag,” he responded, “don’t worry about it.”

“He ran out of class crying!” I shouted again, all of his friends laughed.

“He’ll be fine,” he replied, becoming pissed off that I was probably ruining his chances with this girl.

“Fine, don’t help me,” I said sadly turning around beginning to walk away.

I heard him sigh in frustration.

“Bradie, wait!” he stopped me.

I turned around hopeful that he’d come with me.

“I have to help my brother, I’ll see you later,” he said softly and kissed who I could probably call his ‘girlfriend’.

“Come on,” he said as he walked off with me.

“Who was that?” I asked, turning back to look at the girl that just caught Andy cooties.

“Shut up, Bradie,” was his reply.

I laughed to myself. A girl that he’s hoping to date then.

“So, where are we going to look for boofhead?” he questioned.

“Can we take your car?” I asked, “I think he’s left school grounds.”

“Fine,” he sighed.

We continued to walk to the carpark and as we did I rang Shaun’s phone a few times. He wouldn’t pick up. I’m getting really scared. I know how bad a state he’s in. I think he’s going to end it all…

Once we reached the carpark Andy looked around nervously.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“My car…” he trailed off.

“What about it?” I looked around.

“It’s gone,” he answered.

“What?!” I scanned the carpark, checking if he was right.

“Fuck!” he yelled in frustration, “mum’s gonna kill me!”

I thought for a second, it could be…

“Andy, did you leave the keys in the ignition?” I asked.

“Yes…” he replied, obviously ashamed, “I’m so stupid!”

I think Shaun stole Andy’s car…

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