Chapter 20 - Confessing To...Everything

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Bradie and I entered my room and I closed the door behind us.

“Hey, let’s play Spyro,” Bradie said picking up one of my games sitting on top of my PlayStation.

“Um…can we talk first?” I asked nervously.

“Okay…” he replied sitting on my bed.

How do I do this? Where do I start? The beginning or get straight to it? God, I don’t know.

“Is this about tonight?” he questioned, noticing how anxious I was.

“Sort of,” I answered.

“You can tell me,” he assured me.

“I don’t know if you’ll understand…” I said turning away from him.

“I’ll understand more than anyone you know,” he responded sternly.

That’s true. I’ve always been able to tell Bradie anything and vice versa. I trust him more than anyone, including family.

“Bradie, this is serious,” I replied feeling tears burn in my eyes.

“Well, sit down,” he directed as I paced the floor in front of him.

“I can’t,” I refused, “I can’t stay still.”

“This is really hard for you, isn’t it?” he said looking up at me.

I could feel tears escaping from my eyes as I nodded. He sighed and took a deep breath.

“So…tonight…you were with those three douchebags, weren’t you?” he asked.

I nodded, wiping tears off my face with my sleeve.

“They…they threw me in their car after school,” I confessed.

“I thought it would’ve been something like that,” he sighed, “they did something to you though, didn’t they?”

I so badly didn’t want to tell him, but I felt I had to.

“They stuck a dirty needle in my arm,” I responded not making eye contact.

“Shit, what was in it?” he questioned standing up from the bed.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “something that made me sick though.”

“Well, that could be anything,” he slightly laughed, “let’s see it.”

He reached out for my right arm, but I backed off.

“No!” I practically shouted, “I don’t want you to see it!”

He looked at me confused. I’m not sure I want to tell him about the cutting now. What on earth would he think of me?

“Shaun,” he said softly walking closer to me, “what’s the big…”

He stopped in his tracks and went wide-eyed. Oh, no. Please, god no.

“Show me your arms,” he suddenly said.

I backed myself into the door trying to get away from him. No, he knows!

“Show me your arms,” he repeated a little louder.

“You’ll hate me,” I cried sliding down my door to a sitting position.

He knelt down beside me and gently pulled both sleeves up, unlike earlier tonight when it was yanked up causing more bleeding.

He gasped when he saw the damage I had done. It just looked worse as time went on.

“I hate myself so much,” I sniffed as more tears began to fall.

“This is what you do when you’re alone? You hurt yourself?” he questioned.

I nodded not able to face him.

“How long have you been doing this?” he turned my head so I’d face him.

“School…when school started,” I stuttered.

“Why on earth would you want to do this?” he questioned looking at all the scars covering my arms.

You never want to appear like you have no friends to any of your loved ones. Usually I’d lie, but this is Bradie. He’s different.

“Everyone hates me,” I blurted out, “I hate me.”

“I don’t hate you,” he responded.

That was the most amazing thing anyone has said to me ever. It may not seem like much, but when you think your hated by everyone and someone says that they don’t it’s simply amazing. But, I still can’t shake that feeling off that I could just drive a blade deep into both of my arms and all of this would be over.

“Have you ever thought about…” he paused like he wasn’t sure how to word it, “suicide?”

It was like he read my mind. This guy knows me inside and out.

I nodded and swallowed my pride, “I want to die, Bradie…”

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