Chapter 16 - Where's Shaun?

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“Why didn’t you and Shaun hang out today?” Andy questioned standing in the doorway of the lounge room after he had finished washing the dishes.

I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer that. I’m worried about Shaun, but I don’t want to exploit him.

“We had a fight,” I answered avoiding eye contact.

“What about?” he asked sitting down beside me on the couch.

“Just…just stupid band stuff,” I lied getting up, “it doesn’t matter.”

“Wait,” Andy said obviously noticing the sadness in my voice.

I didn’t listen and quickly made my way to my bedroom, Andy following.

“Bradie, what’s the problem?” Andy asked outside my bedroom door after I slammed it in his face.

There was genuine concern in his voice, but still, I couldn’t tell him. Shaun didn’t like me knowing about it. I just want to help him.

I put my back to my door and slid down it, tears escaping from my eyes. I just hope he made it home alright…


Once again, the car came to a halt; this time outside a park. It was pitch black now. I don’t even know what time it is, they took my phone off me. But, it was definitely time that mum started getting worried.

“Come on,” the darker blonde pulled me out of the car.

I followed them to a nearby tree which we all sat under.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Going on nine,” the dark haired guy answered sitting the backpack in front of him.

Going on nine? Mum should definitely be worried. I’m not allowed to be out later than seven thirty. Wow, that sounds lame.

He unzipped the bag and pulled out the contents, my breathing picked up when I saw what it was…


“Bradie! Shaun’s mum is here!” I heard Andy call out.

What’s she doing here? Is something wrong with Shaun?

I stepped out of my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen where Andy’s mum and Shaun’s mum were.

“What’s up?” I asked curiously.

“Is Shaun still here?” Shaun’s mum asked.

Still here? He never was…

“Um, he hasn’t been here today,” I answered.

“Really?” she looked confused, “he sent me a text after school and said that he was going to hang out with you.”

“He seriously hasn’t been here,” I replied, “he caught the train home today.”

Shaun’s mum’s face turned to worry.

“You’re not hiding him in your room are you?” Andy’s mum questioned giving me one of her ‘looks’.

“He’s not,” Andy butted in appearing in the doorway, “they had like no contact today.”

“Wait, I thought you two were best friends,” Andy’s mum responded looking at me.

“We are…we just had a fight,” I replied looking at the floor.

“About what?” Shaun’s mum asked.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I answered keeping my eyes on the floor.

I felt Andy’s eyes staring into me. He knew something was seriously wrong with Shaun.

“So my son’s just missing and no one has any idea where he is?” Shaun’s mum said out of frustration.

“Have you tried calling him?” Andy questioned.

“Yes, his phone’s been turned off,” she answered.

“It’s not really like Shaun to just run away,” Andy’s mum piped in.

“He has been acting differently since school started back up,” Shaun’s mum started, “keeping to himself, spending all his time in his room, he’s still upset about his father, he just won’t admit it.”

I could feel Andy’s eyes burning through the back of my head. He knew I was hiding something huge. Something that might help us find him.


Everything about this situation just screamed at me to run, run away right now! I quickly got up and just as I turned in the opposite direction to run the blonde guy caught my foot and yanked it towards him causing me to fall flat on my face with a thud.

“You’re not getting away that easily,” he laughed.

There’s no getting out of this. I’ve just got to pray that they don’t bring any of that near me…

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