Chapter 4 - Band Practice Without The Practice

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We arrived at Bradie and Andy’s place three minutes before Andy had to be in the door. He sprinted inside and we both slowly followed.

“Mum! I’m home before four thirty!” Andy shouted as soon as he got through the door.

“Andrew, do you really have to yell?” Andy’s mum covered her ears, she was right at the door.

“Sorry, can I please have my phone back now?” he pleaded.

“It’s on the counter,” she pointed to where his brick of a Nokia was sitting.

He picked it up and hugged it like it was his baby. He has issues.

We all made our way to the band room. Bradie’s dad was nice enough to give us his office and put up soundproof stuff on the walls just so we could practice. I picked up my guitar that was sitting in the corner with my good hand. I hadn’t seen it for about a week, I missed it like crazy. Bradie sat behind his drums tightening his symbols while Andy took a seat on the other side of the room texting like a crazy man.

“Andy?” I tried getting his attention.

“Yeah?” he lifted his head up slightly still not taking his eyes off his phone.

“Band practice,” I reminded him.

“Yeah, I’ve got all the bass skills now, you guys just work on your shit,” he replied, eyes still on the phone.

“Band practice means we practice together,” I said getting pissed off.

“We don’t have any songs yet, what’s there to practice?” he questioned with a shrug.

“He’s right, you know,” Bradie piped in, “you’re the singer, you need to write songs.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll try start something tonight,” I replied.

What the fuck am I meant to write about?

I started strumming the strings of my guitar forgetting about my sore wrist until I felt a sharp pain that caused me to drop the guitar to the floor.

“Fuck!” I cried out at the pain.

“What?!” Andy asked alarmed, “you didn’t get electrocuted, did you?”

“No, just my wrist,” I answered the pain subsiding a little.

“Come on, we need to show Andy’s mum,” Bradie said leading me out of the room. Stupid self- centred Andy went straight back to texting.

We stepped into the kitchen where Andy’s mum was starting dinner.

“Hey mum,” I love how Bradie called her ‘mum’, “Shaun hurt his wrist in P.E today.”

She looked up from what she was doing and saw my pained face.

“Let me see it,” she said grabbing my hand and feeling the swollen area, “does it hurt a lot?”

“Yeah, a ton,” I answered.

“Well, it’s not broken, just sprained,” she got an icepack out of the freezer, “keep this on it for twenty minutes.”

I took it from her and placed it on my aching wrist. We both started walking back towards the band room before she stopped us.

“No guitar playing either,” she added and I nodded.

Great. Haven’t played my guitar for a week, now I can’t play it for longer. We headed back to the band room and had Andy push past us halfway there.

“Where are you going?” Bradie questioned him.

“Just out, I have other friends,” he replied.

“Wait, how am I meant to get home?” I asked as he was about to leave.

“Fine,” he sighed, “I’ll drop you off on the way.”

I really need to write some songs tonight, our band is falling apart before we even started…

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