Chapter 18 - The Needles That Drive Through My Veins

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“Argh,” Andy groaned as he hung up his phone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Everyone’s saying that they’re in Sydney tonight,” he sighed.

“Let’s go then,” I replied putting my seat belt back on.

“Bradie, I don’t have the petrol for that,” he explained, “or the money to get more.”

“I’ll give you what I saved then,” I responded, “we’ll just have to go home for a sec.”

“No way,” he refused, “you’ve been saving up for a set of Pearl drums for ages.”

“Shaun’s more important,” I replied sternly, “it’ll only take about a quarter of what I have anyway.”

“I’ll pay you back, okay,” he assured me.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said without a thought, “let’s just go.”


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I was still here, at the park. I sat up quickly and the first thing I noticed was how much my head and stomach were swimming. I remembered everything that happened, from being kidnapped after school all the way up to being jabbed with that needle. God knows what was in it. It might sound weird, but I’m actually glad they left me. At least I don’t have to worry about what they’re going to do to me.

I got up on one knee about to stand up, until I felt my skin go clammy. Oh no, I know this feeling too well. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes tightly as I felt the nausea and food rush up. Well, not that it’s food seeing as I haven’t eaten today. I was about to stand when another wave come up. After I had released the contents of my stomach and felt confident enough that it had stopped I stood up using a nearby tree for support. Ugh, whatever was in the needle wasn’t supposed to be injected into the human body.

I felt around my pockets for my phone, but it wasn’t on me. They must still have it. Great. How am I supposed to get home now? I looked around the darkness and saw the light of a payphone in the distance. Thank god!

I wanted to run over to it, but my body wouldn’t let me. My muscles feel so weak and my mouth is so dry. What I’m feeling is like: dehydration, food poisoning and just like I had a really long strength work out. Everything hurts so much.

I slowly made my way to the payphone and debated who I was going to call. Bradie would be the best choice. I pulled a few coins out of my pocket and dialled Bradie’s number.


“You boys aren’t even sure he’s in the city,” Andy’s mum started, “I don’t want you two driving down there, besides it’s a school night.”

Andy and I had both gone back home to pick up my money for petrol.

“He’s my best friend though,” I replied sadly.

“Sorry honey, but you’re not positive he’s there,” she said sympathetically, “he could be in Newcastle or something.”

“Yeah, but…” I was about to protest when my phone went off.

I looked at the screen ‘unknown number’. Normally I wouldn’t answer calls unless I knew who it was, but Shaun’s missing so I decided to answer it.

“Hello,” I said into the phone.

“Bradie, it’s Shaun,” the voice replied.

“Shaun!” I yelled in relief and Andy and his mum turned their attention to me, “where are you?”

“Sydney,” he answered, “I was wondering if Andy could pick me up or something.”

“Yes, we’ll come and get you,” I replied, “what happened though?”

“Nevermind about that,” he responded.

I could sense there was something wrong. You could hear it in his voice.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah…just, can you guys come and get me?” he sounded like he wanted to get off topic.

He told me exactly where he was. Some park I’ve never heard of. Andy’s mum let us go after she saw how upset I was when she kept protesting.

God Shaun, what happened to you…?

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