Chapter 12 - Who Are They?

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I sat on the couch going through last year’s school year book. I have to find out who those guys were last night. Shaun seemed so scared being near them. Something has to be going on.

After a good ten minutes of searching, I found them. In the year ten section, Andy would know them. I got up off the couch and raced to Andy’s room with the book in hand.

“Andy!” I shouted as I barged into his room without knocking.

“Geez Bradie,” he was sitting on his bed, his bass in his lap, “what?”

I walked over to his bed and sat next to him, pulling the book out.

“Do you know these guys?” I questioned pointing to three guys.

“Oh yeah, I had English with them last year,” he replied turning his attention back to his bass.

“Is there anything unusual about them?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” he said with a confused look, “they failed year ten last year if that’s what you mean.”

“So, they could be in some of Shaun’s classes then?” I responded becoming more suspicious.

“Yeah…” he replied becoming more confused, “what? Do you have a crush on one of them and want Shaun to hook you up or something? Sorry Bradie, but I’m sure they’re straight.”

“Gross, I didn’t mean that,” I answered, “just…are they nice?”

“That sounds really gay,” he laughed, “but, nah I’m pretty sure they pick on the weak.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, last year they picked out one kid that they’d torture for the whole year,” he explained, “he ended up leaving school by the third term.” 

Maybe that’s what’s happening to Shaun. Could he have been the kid they picked out to make his life a living hell? Certain things do add up… Him coming home with a sprained wrist which he apparently hurt in P.E. And when he suddenly felt really sick fifteen minutes after I saw him. Then last night, he obviously didn’t want to be seen by them.

Andy stared at me like I was a mad man.

“Bradie, if you don’t want anything else, can you piss off?” he said and knocked me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah…of course,” I replied picking up the year book and as I was leaving his room he looked at me suspiciously.

I need to see Shaun. I need to see him now. He was really fragile to start with, he doesn’t need all this abuse and teasing dumped on him too. I just hope I’m wrong about all of this.


I was sitting up in my room writing and heard the front door open. I got up off my bed and made my way to the top of the stairs keeping myself hidden behind the wall, I heard Bradie’s voice.

“Hey Luke, Shaun here?” he asked my little brother who was sprawled out on the couch watching TV.

“Yeah, he’s in his room,” Luke replied, “mum told me and Liam to stay away from him for a bit. Apparently he’s ‘upset’ or something.”

“I’ll take my chances,” Bradie smiled and made his way to the stairs.

I raced back to my room and jumped on my bed before he could see me. A few seconds later he appeared in my doorway lightly knocking on the door frame.

“Hey, can I come in?” he asked.

“You’d just walk in any other time,” I laughed.

He smiled and approached my bed sitting on it next to me.

“What’s that?” he questioned looking at the pen and paper in my lap.

“Oh, just a song I’ve been working on,” I answered handing him the paper, “’On The Morgue’.”

He skimmed through it. His face expressed no emotion, so I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“Do you like it?” I asked hoping he would.

“Yeah, it’s good,” he responded handing it back to me, “is it kinda like the emotions you’re feeling?”

“What?” I questioned trying to sound confused, “what emotions are you talking about?”

“It does sound pretty depressing…” he replied.

“Depressing?” I said anger starting to rise, mostly for being found out, “are you saying that I have depression?”

He didn’t answer. He just kept his eyes fixed on the floor.

“Bradie?” I said annoyed, “answer me.”

“I know that those guys are harassing you!” he blurted out.

“What?” I questioned, “what guys?”

“Those three dudes last night at the party,” he answered his voice softening.

“Well, they’re not,” I lied, “how would you know anyway?”

“Because I asked Andy about them,” he started, “he had a class with them last year and apparently every year they pick a weaker kid and make his life hell for the whole year.”

I looked away from him. They picked me? They picked the kid that never talks or socialises with anyone? I suppose that does make me weak.

“They’re not doing anything to me,” I lied again, “I don’t even know them.”

“Shaun, you can tell me,” he responded, “I won’t judge you, you’re hurting, I can tell.”

“Bradie, just go!” I demanded rising my voice, “you obviously don’t believe me! Just go!”

“Shaun…” he started.

“Leave!” I shouted pointing to my door.

He mumbled a ‘sorry’ and slowly walked out of my room.

Now I’ve yelled at two people that were just trying to help. What’s wrong with me?

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