Chapter 22 - Anxiety Kills

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“I feel violated,” I groaned as Bradie and I walked down the street away from the doctors.

“Why?” he laughed, “because she saw your arms?”

“Yeah,” I answered, “did you see her face when she saw them?”

“You’re being paranoid,” he assured me, “she lifted your sleeve up to stick a needle in, that’s it.”

“What about what she said about them?” I asked, “was it really necessary?”

“She said that she hoped you were being clean about it,” he laughed at my stupidness, “you know, like cleaning the razor everytime.”

I sighed, he didn’t understand.

“What was with the personal questions beforehand then?” I questioned.

“I dunno, they’re meant to ask them,” he replied, “you’d suck at being a girl.”

He’s right, I’m just being dumb.

Today has been one of the better days for me. Away from school and the people that go there. I haven’t felt the need to grab the razor at all, but what about tomorrow? I don’t have any classes with Bradie. I’m stuck with people that think I’m a socially-deprived weirdo. There’s no way I’m going through that again.

“Bradie…” I said quietly.

“Hmm?” he replied keeping his sights in front of him.

“I don’t want to go to school tomorrow,” I confessed and he turned to look at me.

“Because of them?” he asked.

“Everyone, really,” I answered, looking at the ground as we walked.

“No one else has done anything to you?” he said slightly confused.

They may not be direct about it, but everyone that has ever seen me has a problem with me. I can feel people talking about me in classes all the time. I’m the only one in Food Tech without a partner. My classmates laugh about it every day. School is just a constant pain, every day I’m there I can’t wait until the end of the day to go back to my room and hide from the world.

“People talk about me all the time, Bradie,” I replied, avoiding eye contact.

“How do you know that?” he asked curiously.

“Because I can feel it,” I answered.

“You don’t know that people are talking about you for sure, though,” he responded.

“I’m not stupid,” I said sadly, “I know that everyone hates me.”

“That’s all in your head,” he informed me, “it’s severe anxiety, is what it is.”

“Bradie,” I started, “I don’t want to go tomorrow.”

“So you’re gonna wag then?” he questioned, “that’s stupid.”

“Wag with me?” I asked hopeful.

“I care about school, Shaun,” he responded, a little annoyed, “I’m not wagging.”

“Please?” I begged.

“No,” was his answer.

“I can’t go though…” I said, tears building up.

“Shaun,” he sighed, “I know you’re scared, but if you wag tomorrow, what will happen the next day and the day after that?”

“I…” yeah, I really haven’t thought this through.

“Exactly,” he replied.

“They’re gonna hurt me again…” I felt a tear fall down my face.

He looked at me sympathetically. I know he wanted to help, but there’s nothing either of us can do.

“We’re in year ten,” he began, “after this we’ve got two more years left of this shit and then we don’t have to see those people ever again.”

“You’re making this sound so easy,” I smiled, tears still threatening to fall.

“That’s because it is,” he replied with a smile, “I don’t want you picking up a razor tonight or tomorrow morning because you’re over-thinking and letting your mind get the better of you.”

“I promise I won’t,” I responded.

Well Shaun, let’s just see how I go tonight…

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