24. Heartbeat

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"Do you hear that?" 

I look at Nash, seeing him walking around the room as he seemed to be trying to find whatever he was hearing.

"Hear what?" I ask, truly confused on what he could be hearing. Because so far, all I hear is his feet hitting the ground as he tries to find whatever sound he hears.

"Someone else is in here... But...they are not dangerous."

"How do you know that?"

"Because the sound of their heart is pure...innocent...sweet." He cocks his head, looking in my direction." You sure you do not hear it? It is closer to you I believe."

He sniffs the air, making me get off the couch as I look under. Looking over the couch and seeing nothing.

"I don't know what you're hearing. I can't see anything or anyone. You're just a freak."

Nash sighed, shrugging as he walked back to me. Sitting next to me as we went back to watching TV.

But he was still looking around, resting his head on my shoulder. His head moving down and making me fidget.

"What are you doing?" I ask, his head resting in my lap as he presses his ear to my stomach.

Yeah sure, I'm hungry and all but don't make a big deal about it growling.

As I sit here I hear him whimper, making me look down at him in confusion. I don't know what the hell he is doing, but it sounds like he's ugly crying.

I look, seeing him with tears down his cheeks. Shocking me, I just watch, wondering why he's suddenly crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask, truly concerned to why he's suddenly crying out of nowhere.

"It is you..." I cock my head, watching as he sat up and still cried." The heart beat is coming from inside of you."

I roll my eyes." Of course it is. It's my heart you dummy-."

"No not your heart, the person inside you...that is their heart."

I freeze, my heart stopping as I felt myself clutch my stomach. My flat stomach and still feeling my abs and feeling muscle.


I haven't been throwing up and I can't get pregnant. If that is what this is...

"There's no one inside me. I haven't been throwing up and it's impossible."

"No, no it is not. You and I have not been necessarily...quiet or...gentle for the past few days. Or weeks. So I am not surprised that there is someone inside you-."

"There's no one inside me!" I shout, suddenly getting warm as I lean towards him." Yet-."

"See?!" He grips my shoulders, pushing me back gently as he still has tears going down his cheeks." You and I have been going at it like bunnies! I know that you are pregnant. Not to mention that you have been eating more food - not to offend you."

I glare at him, lifting up my shirt as I saw cut abs and toned pecks.

"I think I look sexy and I haven't gained shit. But you know what I have gained?" I bite my lip, looking at his dick." I've probably gained weight from all the cum you shot in me-."

"Okay that is enough." He said, making me know that he was blushing. His brown cheeks becoming darker, letting me know when he blushes.

Loving Ivo [UNDER REVISION]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin