14. Back Than ✔️

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I watched as Adele and the twins argued in her room, and I folded my arms as I glanced at Gabriel.

"What were you trying to do?" I sneer at him, and he shrugs.

"Since her and I are close in age and all, I tried to get her to date me again... Except she was too sad about those two."

"Don't mock me." I growl, and he rolls his eyes.

I'm not sure if I regret bringing the twins to Adele. I kinda do, but then I don't. I'm helping someone that I deeply care about and that is exactly what I'm doing... But-.

"Ivo!" I look, seeing Nash walk up as he grins sadly.

I haven't seen him ever since he gave me the twins file. I was trying to distance myself from anything too serious and we were getting serious. I can't say it was not my fault because I had part in it as well.

I see Gabriel back up, probably thinking this tall freak of an Alpha is something to be afraid of. This freak wouldn't harm a germ. 

"I sure would not."

I narrow my eyes at him, and he looks in the room. "I see you found the two of them. I am proud of you. It looks like my work here is done."

I frown, confused on his words.

"Do you mean helping me out or in general?" I raise my eyebrow, wanting to know his answer.

"You already decided, so I will do whatever you do-."

"No!" I burst, Nash already used to it but Gabriel flinched. "You're supposed to be at my feet and begging me to stay. Not just let me go - this is the opposite of what I wanted to happen!"

"So you want me to...beg for you to stay?" He asks, looking a little hurt in the process.

"Yes I do! If she gets to have her happy ending why can't I?!"

"Ivo, I could hear your thoughts. You do not even want a serious relationship so I know what you are saying is a spur of the moment thing-."

"Oh fuck my thoughts! Stop reading my mind and listen to me!" I shout at him as I shove his shoulders.

He sighs, shrugging in defeat.

"I have been doing that the whole time, but you still seem to not like me."

"I like you, it's just confusing!"

In arguing I see a nosy ass Gabriel staring at us. Waiting for us to continue, and I growl at him.

"Nash let's go somewhere else-."

"Ivo I do not want you to do something you do not want out of how you feel at this moment. I just came to say my condolences and then I was going to be off."

"But if you supposedly like me wouldn't you be trying desperately to get me to stay?"

He shakes his head, avoiding my eye contact all together at this point.

"That is not how love works." Nash murmurs to me.

I flinch, looking at him.

"You...you love-?"

The next thing I know he is rushing off and I follow after him. Leaving Adele and the twins and Gabriel and following after him. This child of a man...!

He's twenty four and here I am, a civilized forty two year old chasing after him.

"Nash this is ridiculous-!"

"Not ridiculous!" He stopped suddenly, having me bang against his back as he pushed me back and faced me." Just hurt."

"Hurt by what?!"

Loving Ivo [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now