13. Help ✔️

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"I found them."

I look at Nash, confused on what he means on found.

"Found who? Who were you looking for?" I ask curiously and becoming nosy. He was searching for someone besides me and he didn't even bother letting me know?!

"I believe you know them." He shows me the file now, and I suddenly am overcome with this foul taste in my mouth.

Seeing two picture side by side of those midget twins, I sneer at the two. Jules stupidass smile and Ian's 'too cool for school' grin.

I was hella confused.

"Why were you looking for them?"

"I have a job, remember? When I met you I did not really have...intentions in the beginning. I mainly wanted to help you psychologically. By piecing together all this mess so that you would not be so sad anymore. At the same time I fell for you and kind of let this go. Now, I brought it back up because I believe even if I do this you will still want to be with me." He admits, grinning as I stare at everything.

So their dumbasses still live here... Didn't really get far, but clearly they weren't trying very hard to hide. They were closer than I thought.

What's their point?

"What's the point? Do you want me to go and beat them up for her or-?"

"No! The correct thing is to mend the broken Bond. Mateship. Whatever they have going on, it needs to be fixed. For all...three of their sakes?" Nash tries to tell me instead, but I snort.

"Yeah, it's weird; but why the hell would I do that? I hate these two. Adele could do better." I state loudly, sticking up my chin at their pictures.

"They are her Mates. For her, it does not get better than that."

I narrow my eyes at him, watching as he starts sorting through something.

"It is apparent to me that you dislike them-."

"Dislike them!? That's an understatement. I hate them!" I snap at him - even coming to the point of interrupting.

"You do not hate them-."

"Yes the hell I do! They embarrassed me and made me look like a fool in front of her. I hate a person that makes me look stupid."

Nash snickers, handing me a paper and I look. Seeing their address and I fold my arms.

"You know what you need to do."

"I know what you need to do. I need you to shut the fuck up. If they want her, they need to go after her themselves. I'm not their mommy who needs to go scold them on their wrongs."

Nash begins to scan something, then looks at me.

"It seems to me that they lost their parents at a prime time in their growing period. They have never had the example, you should be one-."

"What is this?! I come here everyday to hang out with you-."

"I thought you came for Adele?"

"That too! Why does it seem like you're trying to push me away?" I growl, folding my arms as I was getting pissed.

"I am doing nothing of the sort. I just am completing a task. I did throw it to the side, but that is not right. I know that you will not just...leave. I hope at least." Nash glances off awkwardly, chuckling as if he tried to make it better.

I fold my arms, snatching up the paper with this funky address.

"This will help Adele?"


"Will you still talk to me?"

"Of course; but I should be asking you that question."

I shrug, standing as it seemed like he wasn't letting this one go.

"It depends on how I feel in the end."

"I do not like that answer."

I look at him, and he looks at me.

"I'm gonna go."

I walk away, feeling his eyes on the back of my skull.

I will be honest.

The last thing I need is a relationship with a man. Maybe this is just it.

I won't say I was using him. Because it felt like more than that. Was it boredom? I don't think so. I guess it was kinda sorta that.

There were feelings brewing - too complicated of a type of feelings. The last thing I need right now is a serious relationship!

It was getting too deep anyway.

I'm not one for serious relationships...

You know what instead of thinking on this I'm going to focus on what's important.

These stupidass Omegas...

Instead I looked at the paper, seeing phone numbers.

Smirking, I grabbed my phone. Calling one that appeared to belong to-.

"What's up?"

I flinched, hearing Jules disgusting voice.

Growling, I sighed.

"Now is this one of the bitch Omegas that broke my Adele's heart?" I snap at him, and I hear him gasp.

I don't know why he was so surprised.

I'm going to beat his ass when I see him, and I mean that.


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