Chapter 10<Xavier's POV>

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Disclaimer: LOTS of cussing

Yesterday was.......


'Admit it, you had lots of fun with her yesterday' my annoying conscience spoke out.

Oh shut up! Fine, yes i did have fun. This was the most fun i've ever had after... her.

I feel like we're getting closer and that's not good.  I can't put trust on people this fast. It's dangerous and scarring, and i won't let a female do this to me again.

I woke up to the sound of Rap God blaring loudly and constant beeps. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 7 a. m. What the hell!?  Who on their right minds would call at f***ing seven in the morning, On a Sunday!?!?

I picked my phone up from my bedside table and answered the call.

"What the f*ck do you want?" I barked viciously. As you can see I'm not a morning person so don't mess with me on an early day.

"Jeez..  Don't get your panties in a twist." The voice remarked.

"Don't you act smart with me, who the hell is this!" I asked angrily.

"Well, if you must know, it is I,William Knight! " They said dramatically.

"And who the f*ck is that? "

"Oh my gosh, you don't know my full name, I'm highly offended. Ughh, now it's not fun , it's me Liam" He said sighing, i could already see him pouting.

"Well Liam.. Why are you calling at 7 in the morning" I gritted my teeth.

" Well, i wanted to let you know that the team will practice in Terry's house today at like one.I'll text you his address. So you have to like totally come. "

"No" i answered simply. I was about to end the call until Liam spoke again..

" You knoww.. Roe's gonna be there. "

I paused and think of the pros and cons, but so far it's a tie.

"I'll think about it" I answered, not knowing what else to say, and cut the call.

I sighed heavily and laid back on my bed. With thoughts swirling through my mind. What is this girl doing to me.


After that call, i couldn't sleep anymore, so i started doing my morning routine. Like taking a long,relaxing shower, brush my teeth, and have breakfast.

"Deal? " She asked smugly.

"Fine yes deal" I answered reluctantly.

Right now, i'm in a room with pink everything. Pink wallpaper, pink desk and  pink bed. Also known as my sister's hideout. Who's my sister you ask?

Her name is Everly, shes's six years old, she has piercing green eyes, straight brown hair, cute smile and cute button nose. But, don't let her cute features fooled you. She blackmails you to get what she wants, and she got my parents wrapped around her tiny fingers. She'll accused you on things you don't do, and she'll snitch on you when you do something bad. Basically, she's pure evil.

What am i doing here then?

Well, after i had my breakfast i went to my room and sat on the bed. I was just randomly mumbling songs,that's what i usually do when i was deciding something,until the little devil popped out of nowhere.

"Muahahaha..i got a video of it. In your face Doofus" she laughed evilly and  started running towards her bedroom.

"Come back here you little brat" I ran after her in full speed. She went in and locked her door.

"Come on Eve! I'll do anything, just don't send it to anyone! " I plead defeatedly.

"Anythinggg.. ?" She asked emphasizing the word. I could sense her smirk and evil thoughts ran through her evil genius mind.

"Yea.. Yeaa whatever. Now be a good girl and open the door"

She unlocked her door  and i pushed it open forcefully.

I saw her in the corner of her room holding the phone teasingly.

"Give. Me. The. Phone"

"I will if you do what i say, and you answer all my questions. "

"Fine.. Now give me the phone"

She gave me the phone and i deleted it instantly.

"Don't you dare back out from this though, you do know i still have my backup phone"
She smirked.

I sighed heavily and gave her a just-get-this-over-with look.

"Ok well then, answer me..what are you going to do in the afternoon? "

"I don't know..  Go out?"

"Be specific" she rolled her eyes.

"Probably to a friend's house?  I still don't know if i'm going though "

"You're going. " She said firmly, not giving space for arguments.

"Fine,but what's that gotta do with your 'blackmailing stuff? " I asked curiously.

She went to her pink desk and took two device from a jar.

"This is an earpiece, and this is a microphone" She explained slowly, as if she was talking to a three year old.

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I knew that"

"Well whatever,  you're going to put this earpiece on your ear,  and you're going to repeat whatever i say to you. "

And that was why i was in that brat's lair.


It was thirty minutes past one when i got in front of Terry's gigantic gates. His house was... Damn. His was bigger than mine.  It was an all white mansion,with a couple of water fountains and spiral stairs to the front door.

I was drawn out of my awe by a voice from the intercom.

"Yo Xavier come in, i knew you're gonna come, HA i won the bet Liam! Give me the money! "

The gate opened itself with a creak sound.

"Remember... Do and repeat everything I say" Eve's voice coming from the earpiece.

I grunted in response .

I walked towards the spiral stairs and knocked on the front door.

"When someone opened the door, say 'Yo bro, Whatcha doin''" Eve commanded.

"What! No! That's so embarassing" I complained to her.

"Fine then,  I'll just share your video to your whole schoolmates and ruin your 'bad boy persona' " She threatened.

"You freakin little devil"

The door opened, and standing in front of me is the one and only Rose Jennings.

"Yo bro, Whatcha doin'" i smirked fakely, to cover up my embarrasment.

Let the torture begin..

[A. N]

GUYSSSSSSS I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED FOR ONE AND A HALF WEEKS. IT HAD BEEN A BUSY WEEK.. But now i promised my longest update would be for at least 5 days.GUYS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT,WE'VE HIT 180 READS!!  THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO MUCH! I WOULD'NT EVEN THINK OF GETTING THIS FAR, SO THANKS AGAIN!!So..  How do you like the chapter?  Please hit the star button and vote,  don't forget to comment your ideas!

Stay awesome Guys!

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