Chapter 12 (Rose's POV)

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It was an uneventful day today,
as usual, classes are boring,guys talking about 'chicks', girls gossiping about each other, and my mom busy at work. But, a little something did happen.

This morning, when the alarm blared loudly, cars' engine could be heard already,the sun rays blinding my eyes and my mom shouting on the top of her lungs, I laid there on the bed, trying my best to sleep through the noises, tossing and turning, trying to find the most comfortable position.

Later,  i realized that it's useless trying to sleep on this circumstance. I stood up from my bed and made my way towards the bathroom to get ready for school. I took off my spongebob pajamas and walked towards the shower, giddy for the warm water to wake me up. I turned on the shower,  relaxing and letting the water slide calmly down my body.

Most people like to figure things out in the  shower, but my favorite things to do in it is well, clearing my head and....singing,and by singing i meant, screaming songs until you can't hear the water running and your ears go deaf.

Those things are what i did before wrapping myself with a towel and making my way out of the bathroom.

But something on my bed made me jump suprised.

The one and only Xavier Smith is lying flat on my bed watching me. His tall feature can't fit all his body parts. Hah!  Thats's funny. I chuckled internally.

"What the hell! what are you doing here, and who the hell let you in? " I asked shocked and confused at the same time.

Instead of answering, Xavier's eyes scanned my body up and down and licked his lips.

" You have a good body tiger, mind if i use it?  He said jokingly, smirking and finally looking at my face.

Then, that was the part when I realized that I was just covered with my thin towel, i was blushing furiously,I ran towards my desk to take my clothes i prepared, but i didn't see it. 

"YOU! " I turned around furiously, facing the bed,narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes,it is I" He said jokingly.

"Where did you put my clothes!"

"What clothes?  Oh did you mean this one" He said smirking, holding my bra.

" I like the hearts, can i keep it? "He added.

With that last statement, I sprang towards him in a flash. But, i guess his reflexes was way faster than i was. His hand moved the bra to the other way. In result, my body slammed into his and because of the tiny bed and the slam effect, we both fell to my white tiles. With me on the top, and him on the bottom, i have to hold my towel to prevent it from falling.

"I kind of like this position, can we stay like this" He said smirking. I blushed furiously and was about to stand up, but i remembered that my bra was still with him. 
So i moved my hips to reach it, because it was the easier way to do it. But then,  i heard a groan from him and i realized that i just grinded on him with only my thin towel. I blushed harder and mumbled an apology, stood up and fast walk towards my bed to see all the clothes i prepared and ran towards the bathroom. Hey, on the bright side, i got my bra back.

When i looked back i saw him on the bed with a..... umm... problem. I blushed, embarassed at my action and closed the bathroom door. I sighed, wondering if i should just kill myself to not see him.

After i was done changing,  i walked out of the bathroom, and was glad to see that he was gone already,  so i made my way down the stairs to have breakfast.

I went towards the island, however,  Xavier was sitting right there eating the cereal with a distant look. But then his daydream was cut off when i went inthe room. His eyes following my every move.

I ignored him, and took the cereal and milk from the kitchen.

Because of how awkward i felt, i chose a seat that was two seats away from him and ate my cereal in a fast manner. The tension in the room was so thick, that you can only cut with a hot knife.

And apparently, the hot knife in this situation are my brothers,  they were hollering and howling into the room, as if they were watching a soccer match on TV.

"So how do you like the breakfast, we made it extra special" Noah asked in a posh manner.

"It's just cereal" i retorted.

"How dare you say that? We made that for two days with our blood, sweat and tears. " Daniel said with the same posh manner.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at my brothers childishness.

"Noah, Do you have an idea why he's here?" I said pointing at Xavier.

Noah raised his eyebrows,
"Why don't you just ask him? "

"Yea, why don't you just ask me" Xavier said turning to face me,  smirking. I blushed still thinking of the incident.

"Fine, why are you here? " i said trying to act confident.

"Well, i was here to pick you up and go to school"

"Speaking of school, you should probably go now, you'll be late" Daniel said,looking at the clock, hanging on the kitchen wall.

"You're right, bye bro" I made my way towards them to say my 'see you later', by hugging them both and said a small 'bye'.

I let Xavier lead the way towards his car. We went into the driveway and jumped in the car. Him, in the driver seat, and me in the passenger seat.

He reversed out of our driveway and zoomed to school. He turned on the radio to decrease the awkward tension.  At least,  that's what i want to think. I don't think so though.

"Do you wanna talk about just now? " He asked teasingly, nope,  he definitely not feeling it.

"What? " I faked confused.

"Oh you forgot, you know it was in your bedroom, you're only in your thin towel an-"
"Stop it!  At least, i wasn't turned on after it" i cut him off and said bluntly.

I saw a tint of pink covering his well defined cheeks.

"You saw that? " he said embarassed.

I smirked and nodded, my ego boosting.

"Well,  you don't just grind on a teenage hormonal guy,  especially with your thin towel" He remarked.

Well,  there goes my ego, bruised.

Thank goodness we got to school already.  The second he parked the car, i jumped out of the car and ran in.

"Do you wanna do it again sometime tiger? " He shouted teasingly, the whole parking lot hearing him.

I looked back , narrowed my eyes, and gave him the finger, and ran in faster.

I'm gonna freakin'punch his face when i meet him later.

[a. n]
Guys i know i haven't posted for two weeks, and i'm sorry for that..  But,I'm starting to have final exams and all,  so i can't post regularly anymore. But, I'll try my best. Thanks for understanding my past week of not updating. Anyways,  how do you like the chapter? Sorry for grammatical errors and spelling though, I wanna update as fast as i can.  Please hit the star button and vote.

Stay awesome guys! !

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