Chapter 29. 1 : We need to

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" What are we? " For the nth time Cyl asked as we exited the restaurant. I could totally see his charming smile as he tried to hide it but failed as doing so.

 " Homo sapiens." I lazy answered as my eyes failing me. I've been giving him the lousiest answers I could think off.  It's already one in the morning and I haven't sleep much since my shift.

We drove out into the main roads. " Can I call you babe?" I nodded and closed my eyes hoping I could get some peace.

" Can I call you mine? "


"I even forgot to bring you flowers! Damn."

"Hmm." I replied, eyes still closed. "So, what are we?" I could picture my boiling blood and open my eyes and stare at him. He doesn't seemed to mind, I saw a neon light signage as we passed by.

Vintage Inn. 1 KM away.  I glanced at Cyl , " Know what, let me just show you instead. All right?" Hopefully this would go smoothly and he wouldn't dare to ask me questions anymore. "Why? Do you know the places around here?"

I didn't give him a reply. I  was on high alert for a certain Vintage Inn, and thankfully I saw an arrow leading towards the inn. "Turn right, and follow that sign."

He stopped the car and look at me with a confusion. "Why?"

I snickered, "Just because. " He manuevered the stirring wheel and turned right. We entered the and parked the car infront of a two storey building. Cyl stopped the engine, I immediately picked up my bag and jump out from the car. Time to get some sleep!

Cyl got out of the car too, confusion is still evident in his handsome face. I got Cyl by his hands and drag him to the entrance of the inn. We were greeted by the security guard and I greeted him back.

"Why are we here b-babe?" I could sense his frustration, I mentally laugh at his predicament.  Still dragging him, thankful that he matched up with my pace we were welcomed by two female receptionists. I couldn't miss the look of the two females on my alpha male. Humanda kayo!

I released Cyl's arm from my grip, "One room please." I requested as I looked for my wallet in my bag. I could totally heard Cyl's fake coughing.

 "One room, two beds ma'am?" One of the female receptionist inquired. I gritted my teeth, totally showing my white pearls as I look at her. "One room. ONE BED." She must've sensed my irritation, so looked away and typed something on her computer.

I caught Cyl's apprehension, as he scratch his nape. The another female wasn't very much aware of me, kept on drooling over my man. " Babe?"

Cyl immediately step closer to me and held my gaze. "Yes babe? Let me handle the bill." I shake my head and I kept my sweet face on. Good thing Cyl knew what I wanted to say. I noticed the attention of the other female, still unbothered by our endearment. "Miss, are you selling condoms? " Her shocked expression is enough for me to know her place.

She was about to say something but I turned to face my flushed face man, and meekly smiled. "Babe, do you have a spare condom? Or would you rather not wear one?"

Hear thy, hear thy. Lorenzo Cyl Ramos is speechless before me. I leaned in, kissed him senseless infront of the two female receptionists. I lightly bit, his lower lip and gently break the kiss.

As we were heading to our room in the inn, I lace my hands with his hand. Cyl must have lost his soul, he was surprisingly quiet as we enterned our room.

 One bed indeed.

I couldn't help but feel guilty of what I did minutes ago. It felt like I was some bad ass chick, trying to mark her man. Well, that was fun for sure. I would never regret that I did that!

But what if that evil deed I did will backfire on me. Knowing Cyl, have his not so subtle ways of getting things done.

"Let me show you huh?" Damn, and the true Cyl had awaken from his momentarily slumber. Cyl stepped closer as I could fully see his infamous grin. I stepped closer, encircling my arms around his waist and held his breathtaking gaze. " Yep." Popping the 'p'. Teasing him will surely be a bad idea.

Abort mission Thia! You'll lose your freaking virginity if you won't! I pushed myself away from him before the temperature becomes hotter.

I dashed off to the bathroom, bagIn hand. Good thing, I have some spare toiletries and underwear. I freshed up, before I go to sleep.

No definitely not for Cyl. No Thia. Hold your horses. Calm your senses.

I finished my bath, and behold I don't have some spare clothing. Bathrobes were provided, so I took it to cover my half naked body and  tied the ribbons tightly. Mustering enough courage, I got out of the bathroom.

I gaped at the sight that almost had me my death. Cyl sprawled in the bed, nothing but only his boxers on. This is happening to fast, I fanned my face with my hands. Shit, my virginity!

Cyl must have sensed that I am gawking at him not so subtly, rose up and studied me with mirth.

 "I totally forgot that I have no spare of clothes!" I sounded so defensive but hell! "We won't need it." Cyl just stared at me and pulled me in the bed with him. I couldn't control my squeal. Stop acting like a child Thia! Woman up! You're plans of sleeping totally backfired.

Cyl popped his right arm out against the bed to support his weight. "I must have underestimated you woman." He said amused. I immediately sat up carefully, and faced him. He pulled out my right hand with his left hand, and laced our fingers together.

High alert Thia! Keep your defenses up! "I was really taken aback of what you did down there." Cyl chortled as he recalled what transpired half an hour ago. "Truth to be told. You showed me."
He pulled my nape and kissed me abruptly. His kisses was soft and gentle, like feathers that touches your skin. The burning desires that I've been controlling since, have unleashed little by little. I sprawled in bed, my arms around his nape, caged between his arms, him on top of me.

He stopped as if he realizes something. "W-What?" I asked, clearly frustrated.  He cackled, "As much as I want to it babe.. right now, right here, I won't." Cyl got off from me and lay beside me.

"Whyyyyyy!" I shouted, raising my hands to clearly emphasize my frustrations. Cyl just guffawed, and chastely kissed my temple. "We need to sleep!"

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