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Three  years later..

Awaken, upon hearing her flight number from the airports intercom announcement of her flight number to Bangkok, Thailand. She got up and straightened her blouse as dash towards her awaiting plane rolling her bag and trolley.

Days of agonizing forums and seminar in a foreign country she is yet to embark. So much for learning and studies huh? She thought to herself, this is her fifth journey this year. Thia, hand over his boarding pass and passport to the attendant. Nodding, she continued on walking to a tunnel leading her to her plane. Thia took her assigned seat, excusing herself as she passed by a young couple.

"Damn, I miss him." She muttered under her breath as she makes herself comfortable in her seat beside the window. She fished out her phone from her jean pocket and checked for calls or messages. There were plenty but Liz's messages got Thia's attention.

Did you get his wedding invitation? A familiar pain in her chest grew as she remembers receiving the invitation few weeks prior.

Being an almost spinster, Thia in her shrubs and stethoscope was chatting with Linsey, the three years old , youngest daughter of Stephanie and Ken. Thia grew fond of the child, not just because she's one of her godmother and a 'tita' but the fact that she couldn't have one—mayhap she was scared? This is she couldn't imagine herself being a mother. But what does Thia really was afraid of?

"Nagpabuntis ka nalang sana kay Lorenzo Ramos, Thia! Sayang yung genes ninyo!" Thia always heard the same words from her friends, even her mother who was very upset because of their break up. The topic itself was maybe one of the reasons, that her and Cyl broke it off, two years prior. Maybe, maybe just hypotheses she constructed in her mind really.

Thia and Lorenzo Cyl were great together. Imperfect, completely like every relationship there is. They were partners, moments of sadness and happiness and everything in between were together fought as if they were a indestructible couple in a comic.

There were plenty of fights and misunderstandings but they were matured enough to talk it out and fix it. It wasn't smooth sailing nor a bed of roses romance but Thia and Cyl learned to compromised for the relationship to be strong and work.

"Cyl was all I ever wanted." Thia sighed as she recollect every pieces of him in her memories. What gone wrong?

Mayhap her job as a doctor? They often planned dates and meet ups to catch up and the likes. They were lucky enough to complete a decent date without Thia being called back to the hospital. Whenever Thia and Cyl have a break, they only spend it indoors, have take outs and have movies in Cyl house. Cyl was very considerate and understanding through it all, knowing all too well the demands of Thia's hospital residency works.

Lorenzo Cyl Ramos have given his all time, efforts for their relationship. He often has his random leave to accompany her abroad for forums and seminars. His father often reprimand him because of his biased priorities but wave it off. He knows to work around her schedule, every now and then to insert a date or two in every trip we have together.

Mayhap, I wasn't doing my best as his girlfriend? Compromised on time management and effort, but she did her best just so she could be with him too. Cyl never complained, and never did Thia heard him saying a word. Maybe he got tired of it? Maybe.

Or maybe, it was the pressure of marriage and family? Both parents have been bugging both Thia and Cyl for marriage. Cyl opened such topic to Thia one time. Hell, Thia was sweating and unable to say anything so she run off from him.

Thia snorted as she remembered her " run-away soon to be bride" moment.

Don't get her wrong. Thia could picture out her future with Cyl. He'd be a good husband and a father—based on the way Cyl handled their handful nieces and nephews. She wants to be wedded to Lorenzo Cyl Ramos no doubt, but she thought she just couldn't yet. Timing isn't on her side yet. Why? She has still her hospital residency and anything does not relate to that shall be second. Ever understanding and charming Lorenzo knew that well. Thia guaranteed Cyl that anytime she will definitely say yes, just not yet.

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