~Chapter 4

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(Hello! I hope you liked the last chapter and I hope you can appreciate this one if you will like it. I won't tell you what happens in this chapter but it might have some good moments. Other than that enjoy this chapter as much as you can! ^~^)

"I must say I can't stop looking at you Luna," Levi says sweetly.

Luna stops what she was doing and looked at his face. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you sure you're talking to the right p...person?" Luna asked him shyly.

Levi laughed a bit and replied, "Who else would I be talking to?"

Luna looked away blushing and continued to eat her popcorn. Together they shared the popcorn and watched the movie together. It felt weird sitting next to a K-Pop idol so casually, but maybe she will get used to it sometime. After 40 minutes Luna started to fall asleep. As her head fell, it went on Levi's shoulder. Levi noticed and smiled sweetly at her, letting her sleep while he continued to watch the movie.

As the movie ended Luna was still fast asleep on Levi's shoulder. Everyone else had left except for those two. As Levi got up he picked Luna up bridal style and walked to his car. Once he got to his car he carefully placed Luna in her seat and buckled her up. Levi kissed her on the cheek again lightly and started to drive back to her house.

Luna woke up to Levi shaking her lightly awake.

"Wake up sleepy head, we're back at your place," Levi said.

Luna looked around and noticed that they weren't at the movie theater anymore. They were back at her place, and Levi was looking at her laughing. She was confused but suddenly realized what had happened.

Darn it! I slept through the movie! I hope I didn't drool.

"I'm sorry for sleeping Levi! I didn't mean to sleep on you if I did," she said in panic.

Levi pat her shoulder and said, "It's alright. You looked so beautiful when you slept that I didn't want to wake you up."

He smiled and escorted her back inside her house. Luna let him in, letting him stay for a while. She didn't want him to leave yet, but she didn't want to keep him for too long. Levi sat down on the couch and looked around.

"Is something wrong Levi?" Luna asked.

He shook his head and said, "No I was just looking at this nice house. Is it yours?"

"No it's my friends. She let me stay here for the week so I could see your performances," Luna said.

Levi smiled and said, "Well at least you came, or I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting a cutie like you."

Luna blushed and looked away as she put her stuff down. She went to the kitchen and looked for some food. She wanted to make something for Levi to impress him with her cooking. Luna decided she was going to bake something instead. She decided she will back some cookies. All she hoped was that her friend Rose had the right stuff to make cookies, or her plan would be a bust. Luna looked around the fridge for the right ingredients. Luckily Rose did have ingredients for baking cookies! Luna placed the stuff down and prepared to bake. Then suddenly she felt Levi's arms go around her waist.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked as he put his head on her shoulder.

Luna looked down shyly and stuttered, "I...I'm making some c...cookies for you Levi."

"I bet they're going to be delicious," He said in her ear.

Levi walked away to the living room and sat back down on the couch. Luna sighed a sigh of relief, feeling as she was going to melt in his arms. Thankfully he walked away before she could do that. Luna shook back into reality and continued to bake for Levi.

*10 minutes later*

Luna got the cookies out of the oven as the aroma of chocolate filled the room. She placed the cookies on the counter and took off the oven mitts. Levi came into the kitchen smelling the delicious scent of chocolate chip cookies.

"That smells amazing!" Levi exclaimed.

He tried to take a cookie, but as he did he jerked his hand away. Levi held his hand as he felt the pain of the heat.

Luna giggled and said, "You shouldn't have done that! You know they are hot!"

"I didn't know! I thought I could eat one!" Levi yelled as he clutched his hand.

Luna rolled her eyes and gave him a warm cookie, "Here. Now you can have a cookie since it isn't burning hot."

"Thank you," he said, taking a bit out of the cookie.

Luna gathered a plate of cookies and took them into the living room. They started to eat the freshly baked cookies as they watched TV together. To Luna she felt very happy accomplishing her task to bake cookies for Levi. After 5 minutes or so, Levi noticed the time and quickly got up. Luna looked at him confused wondering what was wrong.

"I'm sorry Luna I have to go back home. I have a big day tomorrow to perform in Guri," He said quickly.

He got his stuff and started to walk to the door. Levi looked back at Luna and smiled.

"I wish I could stay longer, but my career calls," He said smiling.

Luna walked up to him and said, "I wish you could stay too, but I guess you need to get ready for your performance. I'll see you there at least!"

"I hope you will!" Levi said excitedly.

Luna walked him out the door and said, "I'll see you there I guess."

"Yeah I'll see you there, but one more thing," He said in a deep husky tone.

Before Luna could reply back, she felt the lips of Levi's go on hers. Luna froze and looked at him. Levi kissed her passionately, then finally stopped and waved goodbye. All Luna could feel was the lingering feeling of his lips on hers. The stars were shining bright, and shooting stars appeared in the sky. Luna saw this and quickly wished something. Luna looked at the direction he drove off to, and smiled sweetly. Luna's first kiss, stolen bye a man who she fangirlled over so many times. She couldn't believe it herself, but she was happy that it happened. Luna walked back inside still in shock of the kiss.

I don't believe what had happened tonight, but at least it was magical to me.

Biting her cookie, she felt happy. Knowing the feeling of a kiss, she yearned for Levi to come back, wanting to feel his sweet kiss again.

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