~Chapter 10

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(Hey what's up?! I know not many of you read my chapters but I appreciate it if you do! I hope you enjoy this chapter and what is to come of it! Enjoy!)

"Hey don't tickle me like- AH~" Luna said as Levi tickled her stomach on the floor.

He laughed and said, "Aww I love when you're so vulnerable! I won't stop!"

They continued laughing as Luna was pleading him to stop tickling her and almost made her cry from being tickled too much. Luna broke free from his arms and started to run around the house as Levi chased after her. Luna hid in the closet as Levi looked around the house for her.

"Luna where are you? Don't hide from me," He said as he walked by her room door.

Luna moved a bit and Levi quickly turned his attention to the noise. He quietly creeped into the room and stood outside the closet. As she tried to stay as still as possible, Levi was getting ready to open the closet door.

"I FOUND YOU!" He yelled laughing.

Luna screamed and felt his arms go around her waist, "AHH! Don't scare me like that!"

Levi smiled devilishly and picked her up. Aggressively he put her on the bed and started kissing her chest. He bit her belly; a tiny bite making Luna moan just a bit at the sudden feeling of his mouth touching her skin.

"You promise to be mine?" Levi asked.

She nodded and said, "Forever."

They leaned in and kissed each other passionately. Levi's hand went under her shirt and held on her bra. Luna gasped at first but let him touch. She did the same thing as she felt his chest under his shirt. They made out for a few minutes touching each other and moaning at each touch.

Then Levi pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. Luna became confused about why he pulled away and touched his face.

"What is it Levi? Is something wrong?" Luna asked.

He looked down and said, "I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" Luna asked.

Levi pulled her closer and said, "What would you think about getting married? Would you ever want to do that?"

Luna was shocked by his words and her face started to turn rosy red. She looked away trying to hide the blush from her face to Levi. Levi lifted her head up and put her hair behind her ear.

"I would want to get married, if that makes you feel better. The only person I'd marry is you Luna. I know I have work as an idol but my love is true to you and you only," Levi said as he blushed at her beauty.

Luna smiled and said, "I don't know about getting married to someone, but if I had to choose, I'd marry you."

Levi smiled and kissed her cheek, then her lips. Pushing her down to the bed, Levi was on top of her ready to make a move. He raised his eyebrow at her letting her know he wanted her again. Luna nodded and pulled him down onto her. They took their clothes of and started moaning loudly. Levi spread her legs open and touched her thighs.

"Ahh~" Luna moaned as Levi moved forward.

Levi smiled and said, "There's more if you'd let me."

She nodded and pulled him down again kissing his chest and lips. The night went on as they fucked each other with another heated moment together.

Soon enough it won't just be boyfriend and girlfriend. Soon they'll be a married couple to become.

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