~Chapter 5

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(Hello! So apparently people are reading my story, as in a lot more then I intended. I appreciate you guys who are reading and I guess you like my story a bit? Either way this is the day of Levi's performance in Guri, Korea just to let you know that. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you anyone who is reading my story! :3)

*Day of performance*

On the day of Levi's second performance, Luna had put on a super cute outfit just for Levi. She hope that he liked it.

 She hope that he liked it

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^^ Luna's outfit

Luna didn't put any makeup on, so she went natural for him. The signs outside the concert hall said that Levi will be performing at 7:00 PM. Since it was around 6:30, she had time to get something to eat. She locked her car and went to the nearby cafe. Soon after 10 minutes she had a coffee, some cookies, and a biscuit. She started to eat her biscuit, when blinding lights came from the concert hall. She looked away quickly before turning back to a bunch of screaming fans.

It's starting already?!

Luna ran into the concert hall and spotted a good place to be right in front of the stage. Other than the screaming fans behind her, the show started to begin. Luna didn't have a place to put her stuff down so she finished her cookie and biscuit quickly, then held her coffee in one hand while the other was free. Levi rose up from the stage with his back turned to the crowd. He spun around violently and looked at the crowd. For a moment Levi looked at Luna's eyes with his, as they were locked on each others for a bit. Then Levi smiled and started singing, making sure to get the rest of his adoring fans.

Over the course of the performance Luna saw Levi go to some lucky fans and clapped, waved, or gave them something special. It was fun, but Luna was worn out and tried to stay up before falling to the floor. She was screaming with the other fans until the end of the performance. Just before the last song ended, Levi came up to Luna and took her hand while singing the last lines of his song. As their hands were together, other jealous fans tried to intervene. Levi kissed Luna's hand and walked back to the center for the big finish. As the lights grew duller, the show had ended as Luna had a big smile on her face. Other fans were happy, but jealous that they didn't get to have the moment Luna just had with Levi.

**Time skip to when Luna goes home**

Luna drove home with a small present from Levi's fansign. It was cute little teddy bear with a bow around its neck. Luna planned to sleep with the fluffy bear so she can remember Levi. She wanted to ask him out to go somewhere and hangout, but she was too shy to do it herself. So she asked her Rose to help her. Luna called Rose once she entered Rose's house, and sat down on the couch as the phone rang.

"Hello?" Rose asked in a light voice.

Luna smiled and asked, "Hey can you help me with something?"

"Oh hi Luna! Of course I will! What do you need help with?" She asked kindly.

Luna was scared to tell her, but Rose was her best friend so she said, "I need you to help me ask Levi to go somewhere and hangout. I can't do it by myself."

Rose giggled a bit and said, "Ooh are you talking about Levi the K-Pop star? If you are then of course I will!"

Luna laughed and continued to talk with Rose for a bit.

*10 minutes later*

As the call ended there was a knock on the door. Luna wondered who it could be, especially at 9:00 at night. She got off the couch and put her flip-flops on. Before she opened the door, Luna checked herself to make sure she wasn't messy. Once she finished she opened the door to see a mailman with a small package.

"Hello are you Luna?" The mailman asked.

Luna nodded and said, "Yes I am."

"Great! Here this is for you. It's from someone special," The mailman said as he smiled.

Luna looked down at the package to see a a pink post-it note on the top. When she looked up the mailman had already left. She walked back inside and sat back down on the couch. The package was light, but it had something in it. Before she opened the package she read the note.

~Hello cutie!

I hope you like this little gift! If it isn't your size, you can return it to me and I'll get you the right one. Enjoy cutie!



Luna gasped as she read the note. She never thought Levi would get her a gift.

I wonder what he got me. I think it might be a necklace or maybe a bracelet.

Pealing off the post-it note, Luna started to open up the present from Levi. She looked inside and saw a black box. It was fuzzy and big enough for a necklace or bracelet to be inside of it. Luna carefully opened the black box to find a necklace that had sapphires and diamonds on it. Luna gasped and quickly tried it on. It fit perfectly, laying comfortable around her neck. The cold feeling of the gems gave her a chill down her back, but she didn't care how cold it was. All Luna cared about was this necklace. All she thought was that it was from Levi, and she now felt so happy. Luna wanted to get him something too, but she doesn't know what to get him.

Luna's mind couldn't think of anything, but she just forgot about it and thought about how she was going to ask Levi to hang out again with her. Knowing that he is an idol makes it even harder to ask, but she believed she could do. As long as Rose was going to be there with her, Luna thought that she will be confident enough to do it.

I just hope he will accept my offer.

As Luna slept she dreamed about about Levi. A smile came across her face as she thought about Levi and what they could be together.

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