-please don't leave again- broken!darkiplier x reader

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You and dark get into a huge fight and you end up leaving

Y/n = your name
F/n = favorite nickname

Bold= dark talking
3rd person POV:

Noone has ever seen dark cry, or show any weakness actually.
Not even you, and you've been dating him for a year now.

You were sitting in the your and dark's room, Waiting for dark to come back because you two need to talk. He was acting more aloof then usual to you.

Finally after what seemed like forever. The door opened. You looked up from looking at your phone to see dark walk in, You stood up.
" hey dark, can i speak with you?" You asked

"Of course"
Your POV:

"Of course" wow he actually wants to talk to me. We really haven't talked in awhile.

"Well it's about the way your acting"

" Y/n. Please"

"I mean it dark, i mean did i do something to make you made at me? If i did i'm sorry i didn't mean-"

"Y/n!" Dark interrupted and i stopped talking "everything's alright. You have to trust me"

couldn't believe this. Two weeks he didn't talk to me and now he just expects me to just trust him?!?

"oh so i'm supposed to trust you, but you can't trust me?!"

"That's not what i me-"

Now it was my turn to inturrupt him

"You never let me leave the house without telling you first! And you expect me to just trust you?!" I was beyond angry.

Dark walked up to me until he was just inches away from my face.

"You know that's not what i mean't y/n" his voice sounded slightly agitated but i didn't care

"That dosen't matter! If you can't trust me then i don't think we can be in this relationship" i walked past him and packed some clothes.

" call me when you decide to trust me" i made for the door

Dark grabbed my arm before i could open the door

" you can't do this. You still love me, you can't just leave like this. You just need to trust-"


I don't know what came over me. My eyes widen as dark stepped back in shock, a hand on his cheek from where i slapped him

I let out a shaky breath "i'm leaving dark, don't follow me" and with that i opened our room door and walked down the stairs toward the front door. Ignoring all the questions from the other ipliers about what happened.

Darks POV

I rubbed my cheek where they slapped me, I don't understand. What did i do wrong? All i asked was for them to trust me. Googleplier poked his head through the door

"Everything alright?" He asked trying to sound concerned, but it just came out monotone.

"yes everything is fine. I just need some time alone"

Google nodded and left closing the door behind him. I sat down on the bed and waited for y/n to come back. Of course i trust them just not with this information. I can't tell them that i haven't been feeling like myself lately. It's like i'm broken, or something.

(Big ol timeskip!)

3rd person POV:

It had been weeks since you left. Dark hasn't been taking it well. He stayed in his office most of the time, and only came out once and awhile to talk to the other alter egos. Of course everyone noticed that dark has been acting more depressed than usual. They tried to get him to come out of his office more. But without you, he didn't want to do anything anymore. So there was only one thing the ipliers could do. Find you.


You were staying at a motel. You were just about to go out on your daily walk when you heard a knock at the door. You ooen the door to see some of the ipliers.

"How did you find me?" You asked half excited to see them, half monotone.

"This is the third motel we've checked" google stated

"We've come to ask you to come back to the house woth us" said dr. Iplier

"Sorry but i can't" you sad unenthusiastically. You assumed that they were here for dark. Sure you still loved him, but you were still angry at hin as well.

"The host informs you that dark has not been the same since you left" the host narrated in the 3rd person as always.

"Yea he's been acting a LOT more aloof then ever. He never comes out of his office anymore." Dr. Iplier informed.

You didn't say anything as you pondered what you should do. Finally with a sigh yoy agreed to go with them and see dark for yourself.

(Le timeskip)

You guys arrived at the house and walked inside. With words of encouragement from the iplier's, You walked up the stairs and made your way to dark's office. You knocked on the door

"Go away!" Dark'a voice was raspy. It sounded like he had been crying. Which confused you, since he wasn't one to show emotions. You knocked again.

"I said go away!" Dark threw open the door angry. His look turned into suprise when he saw that you were on the otherside of the door. His appearance was awful. His hair was a mess and he looked really tired. "Y/n..."

"Hello dark, may i come in?"

He stepped aside and let you in. His office was a mess as well. It looked like a tornado went threw it. After he shut the door, he fell to his knees.

"I-I didn't think you were going to come back"

You kneeled infront of him "i know i'm sorry for leaving for so long"

He blinked a few times before pulling you into a tight embrace. You could feel your back getting wet from his tears.

"I-I'm sorry i'm sorry, i didn't mean to drive y-you away! I'm sorry! Please don't leave again" he whispered the last part and the words shattered your heart. You saw how truly broken he was when you left

You shused him and rubbed circles on his back. "I'm sorry, i won't leave. I promise"

You both stayed like that until dark was able to calm himself down. He looked up at you and you smiled at him.He gently kissed you and you kissed back

"I love you f/n" you smiled. It's been a while since he called you that name.

"I love you too" you said as you kissed his forehead

A/n: and there you have it. First one done! Thanks for reading! Sorry if this is cringey, i did try my best >_<

Word count: 1120

Farewell friends~

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