my primary objective pt. 2

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Part 2 of my googleplier x reader oneshot

Fair warning there might be a lot of pov changes

F/N= fake name

*couple weeks later*

3rd person POV:

It's been a few weeks since you got google. It was akward at first because he dosen't really show emotions. You haven't been paying that much attention to google lately.

He would take your phone sometimes to see what you were up to. You were either watching youtube or talking to one of your friends. In which he would get jealous. he can't seem to understand why he feels that way.

A week ago you decided to give him admin privilages so he can complete tasks without you commanding him all the time.

Usually by that time, he would kill whoever owned him and go back to the iplier house. But he couldn't seem to be able to do it. He didn't want to kill you and him feeling that way was odd to him.

You treated him like he was a friend. You barely gave him requests or orders, so he would do stuff before you even thought you needed to do that.

So he couldn't seem to hurt you.

Your POV:

I'm laying im bed when i realized that i needed to go to the store for groceries this week. I lazily got up and got dressed.

I walked out of the room and got my purse/wallet, my keys and headed to the door.

Before i opened the door, i saw out of the corner of my eye, that google was watching tv or at least trying too. He wasn't showing any emotion watching it.

I shook my head and asked him "hey, google would you like to come to the store with me?"

He turned his head to you and for a full minute he just stared. I guess it was because he needed to process what i said to him.

"Yes i would like to" he said, getting up from the couch. I nodded and walked out of the house with him following behind me.

I jumped in the car and told google he can sit up front, because he wad about to get in the trunk. He sat down on the passenger side and i started the engine.


We were a couple miles away from tge store.

"So google, have you ever drove?"

"Yes before, with someone" (author: ya mean me! Y/n: not right now! Author: oh sorry)

I nodded and we continued the ride in silence.

We soon arrived at the store and walked in it

"Ok i just need to get a few things and we'll be on our way!"


I walked out the doors with google behind was getting dark so I offered to help google with the bags but he said he got it. And he did.We arrived at my car and i opened the trunk.

As google sat the last of the bags in the trunk, i heard a gruff voice behind me.

"Give me all your money!" I swiftly turned around to see a young male burglar. He was pointing a gun staight at me.

I threw my hands up. "I-I don't have any money. I just spent it all buying groceries"

He scoffed and cocked his gun. I shut my eyes and prepared for the bullet. The gun shot.

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