Chapter 24

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"Juliette, don't you ever do anything besides cats?" Isabelle teased, looking from her needlepoint canvas to her sister's.

"I happen to like cats." Juliette said, sticking her nose in the air. "At least mine resemble the pattern."

Isabelle rolled her eyes and they continued to banter playfully.

I smiled a little, knowing they were mainly doing it for my benefit. They were trying to distract me from the awful reality I might have to face if I didn't get pregnant very soon.

It was nice of them to try, but nothing could distract me from those thoughts. It had been a week since that session in the Great Hall and, as far as I could tell, they were still having the same discussion. Alex was beside himself, trying to fight them off. He wasn't even trying to sheild me from my worries anymore because he was too focused on his own.

On the one hand, the king wasn't eager to give in to Lord Houghton and the others. On the other, he was going to have to make some sort of decision, and I couldn't see how he was going to avoid giving in to them without an alternative.

They were right about one thing, at least - there had to be an heir. And if I couldn't give them one, they would have to come up with some other solution. The future of our kingdom aside, the other kingdoms wanted to know that there was a plan in place to guarantee an heir. Even if it was still too early to put such an abhorrent plan into action, the threat of it actually being made law was terrifying.

Why had no one thought of this before? The queen hadn't gotten pregnant right away, and I had a hard time believing that any of the former ones had either. So why hadn't there been some contingency plan written into the laws already. And why were Lord Houghton and those other men so set on having it done right now?

Because they probably had some ulterior motive, I realized. Not many of them liked me, even discounting my failure to produce a baby so far. They didn't like my political leanings or that I had such influence with Alex. And they really didn't like that the king was growing fonder of me and actually listening to my proposals.

Was that the reason for all of this? They were attempting to get rid of me in hopes of replacing me with someone they could use to manipulate Alex, and possibly the king?

Remembering Lord Houghton's part in the fight that Alex and I had, convinced me. He was willing to do just about anything to get rid of me.

I could tell Alex, I suppose, but what could he do about it? The king would listen to him, but he was not going to dismiss one of his advisors so easily and with no proof. Or, several of his advisors, I amended, realizing that it was likely that Lord Houghton wasn't operating on his own.

And the king would certainly never listen to me about it. Even if I had the chance to speak, which I wouldn't get because I was just a woman.

If only there was another option, I thought in frustration. A way to ensure an heir without putting my marriage in jeopardy. If only there were someone else....

I glanced up at Isabelle and Juliette, unable to help my bitter thoughts for a brief second. If they had been boys, this wouldn't be an issue. They would be in line for the throne after Alex and no one would be demanding such terrible things.

Isabelle met my eye and I hastily glanced down, fearing she might read my thoughts.

I attempted to work on my needlepoint, but glanced up again, still feeling her eyes on me.

"You wish we were boys," she guessed with a sigh.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I don't really. It's just..." I trailed off and glanced away, feeling the stinging in my eyes.

I had grown to love the two of them and think of them as sisters. Of course I wouldn't want them to be anything other than what they were.

"It's nothing new," Juliette said, sadly.

"And it is understandable," Isabelle added.

"I don't wish that," I said firmly. "It would make things easier if there were someone else who could provide an heir, but I love you two exactly as you are."

They both gave me small smiles.

"It's so unfair," Juliette said. "To expect so much of you, so soon."

"It's all about the right blood and the right gender," Isabelle complained. "Jules and I have the right blood, but the wrong gender, and so it all falls to Alex."

"That's true..." I said, an idea beginning to form.

"What?" Isabelle asked, looking confused but intrigued.

Staring at her, I almost told her my thoughts, but after a moment, I knew I couldn't. If I did manage to work this out in my head, and by some miracle the king listened to me, no one else could be part of it or have any knowledge of it. Not even Alex. It would be far too dangerous.

"What are you thinking?" Juliette asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I offered a smile. It wasn't very convincing, but after sharing a glance, they decided to drop it.

If this worked, I would be completely free of worries for my marriage and an heir. If it didn't, I could be charged with treason and imprisoned or put to death.

And in order to even try, I would have to figure out some way of having my idea heard in the first place.

But no pressure, I thought with a heavy internal sigh. 

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