23) You & I

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I cannot stop thinking about him. He is literally hunting me. While reading, playing with Jane and even sleeping. We have not spoken to each other since what happened last week but of course, we sat with each other a lot. Every time I look at him, he takes my breath away. The problem is that my love for him was not like that. In the beginning, I loved him, loved talking to him. Now, it turned into some kind of an obsession. I... I just want him.

Today, something was not normal with Jane and Mildred. They were looking at each other a lot and laughing. We were in the garden playing while the servants and Meg prepared dinner. Dr Philips and Edward have arrived a few minutes ago.

Suddenly, when we were playing, Jane fell and her clothes were stained with mud.

"Look at you," I said, "you should have been more careful than this"

"Sorry," she said with her head down.

"It is fine," I said, "Let's go change, shall we?"

"No," Mildred said, "let me do it"

I smiled, "It is fine, I am used to it"

"Please, I want to," she said still with a wide smile.

With her persistence, I could not refuse. I also wanted Mildred to get used to us and not to feel out of place.

Mildred and Jane left while laughing with each other.

What are those two up to?

I went to the swings and started staring at the sky. The blue sky appeared perfectly behind the groups of white clouds. I smiled as I remembered the days that I used to sit here on the grass trying to form shapes from the clouds.

After a while, I could feel someone on the swing next to me.

Edward is beside me looking more perfect than I have ever seen him. Somehow, I remembered the first time we have met and a smile sneaked to my face.

"Your hair is going white," I told him softly.

What am I saying?

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes then looked at the sky again suppressing a smile.

I blushed and stood up to go straight to my room. After passing by him, he held my wrist to stop me. I looked at him to find him still looking at the sky.

"Would you let go of me, please?" It came out a little harder than I intended.

"When will you learn to face your problems, Amelia?" He said with a voice that was low but incredibly beautiful and clear.

I frowned, "What are you talking about?"

He stood up and looked at me. I could sense tension from his eyes. When he spoke, his voice was a mixture of hurt and anger, "from the day that I have met you, you have always been running away. First, when Cecelia told you that lie, you ran away from it by using Charles. Then, when you heard about my marriage from Cecelia, you ran away to Aunt Meg's cottage. Lastly, you have been running away from me since you have arrived. And when I finally get the hint and stay away," his grip tightened on my wrist, "you want us to be friends"

"You will not run away, now," he continued but his voice was softer, "do you really think that I have not noticed that since our last discussion, you changed?" He put his hands on my face and made me look at him, my eyes were already filled with tears, "you want me, now like I want you"

"Edward, I am begging you, please, stop," my voice was shaking.

"And I am begging you," he said coming closer that our faces almost touched, "please, give us a chance"

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