Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Claire's POV

I cannot believe it. I just saw a movie with One Direction. I just saw The Avengers with One Freaking Direction! It was definitely the best movie outing I've ever had. Louis made sure of that. Throughout the whole movie, he would make some sort of joke that related to what the character just said. I felt so bad for Liam, considering he had to hear my obnoxious laughing the whole time.

After the movie, Harry was going to drop me off back at my town home. I was a little sad and disappointed to leave. But then Liam suggested I come over to their apartment. I was a bit skeptical and wary about that but quickly convinced myself that it was going to be fun.

We all chose to play charades when we get back. I love that game so much; I grew very hyper and excited. Liam seemed to notice my change in emotion because he had a half laugh going on beside me.

Now, I am sitting on Liam's, Niall's and Zayn's couch. They shared an apartment while Harry and Louis shared their own. I could see a bromance spiking between those too... 

The apartment was extremely big. Of course it was. They're frickin rich!

We're playing charades and I was teamed up with Liam and Niall. Harry, Louis and Zayn were on the other team. Niall was up right now and he did the signal to tell us it was a movie. With two words. 

I grew extremely excited and sat on the edge of the couch, folding my hands in my lap. "Okay. First word?" He made a growling face and held up claws. I arched an eyebrow. "Tiger? Cheetah?" He shook his head but waved forward, telling me to keep guessing.

"Lion." Liam said. Niall snapped and pointed to him. Okay, first word is lion... "Second word. Crown? Hand?" I squealed and jumped to my feet.

"Secondhand Lions! I knew it! We win!" I screamed. Niall looked at me with a strange expression before he burst out laughing and so did Liam. I glared at him. "What?!" I cried. 

"Lion is the first word, Claire. Not the second. It's Lion King." Niall threw the card at me, hitting me in the head. I was stunned for a moment before realization of what I just did hit me, making me laugh as well. 

"Oh my god! I'm so stupid!" I sat back down and placed my face in my hands, all of us still laughing. Then it was Harry's turn to go for his team. I watched how they got it extremely quickly. It just wasn't fair. Just do I such at this game? Sure I love it so much, but I never know what the person is trying to say...

After the game, Louis went to make Harry his dinner. He asked me if I wanted some. "What are you making?" I asked him, getting to my feet and walking over to his side. He pulled out a Lasagna recipe. My stomach growled at the sound of that. 

"Yes please." I whispered. He smiled and quickly began to make it. When I looked back at the living room, everyone was watching a movie. It looked like The Man In The Iron Mask. One of my favorite movies. Niall looked back at me.

"Be careful, love. I love food, I will not touch a wee bit of Louis' cooking." Niall told me. I eyed Louis as he put ingredients in, wincing when he cracked an egg and bits of the shell fell in. My stomach suddenly felt full. But I didn't want to be rude. Walking over to Harry, I patted his shoulder.

"I hope you don't get the stomach flu." I whispered in his ear. He chuckled and looked over at Louis singing to himself as he continued cooking. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked them. 

"Down the hall, second door on your left." Liam told me. I smiled slightly as I hurried to the bathroom. It smelled like men. It was covered in their cologne, styling jell, deotorant, shaving cream, ect.  I rolled my eyes and shut the door. 

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