[FACTS] CHAPTER 2 PT 1 & 2: The Woman of Crime & Homewrecker

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The second chapter of the first book, The Woman of Crime and Homewrecker. A story of love and deceiving. A trip back to the past for Daniel Middleton of the Dab Police.

VILLAIN: Evangeline Smiths
PUBLISHED: November 19, 2017



1. Cherry is really a Sherlockian. Haha.

Evangeline Smiths is inspired by Irene Adler from BBC Sherlock. Irene Adler is one of my favourite characters and villains from Sherlock. She's witty and smart and just beautiful. Evangeline is like her as well. She's beautiful. She's smart. Evangeline's style of leaving "notes" was inspired by Irene Adler's texting with Sherlock Holmes. Except traditional style. But in the end, they did get to be textmates didn't they?

Also a late realisation but it's also a reference to Adelaide Lyndon from "Sherlock: The Case Files" by Whisperingwater. Since she leaves lavender scented letters for Sherlock which is unusual cause when did she get to go to 221b?

2. Evangeline's surname— "Smiths" is a reference to the villain in BBC Sherlock, series 4 episode 2, The Lying DetectiveCulverton Smith. Except I added "s". But also because I like the name "Smith"

3. The title for Chapter 2 part 2— "Homewrecker" was a reference to Marina and The Diamonds. Homewrecker is a song, all about Marina talking about how she feels like she's ruining someone's relationship. "Homewrecker" apparently. It also foreshadows Evangeline through these lines:

Every boyfriend is the one, until otherwise proven. Is a message when Evangeline broke up with her boyfriend.

Homewrecker, homewrecker. I'm only happy when I'm on the run. Was when Evangeline was trying to distract Dan and runs away with it.

I break a million hearts just for fun. Is when Evangeline lures a lot of men but only broke their hearts because what she wanted is Dan.

I don't belong to anyone. Was when she was left by Dan after the sacrifice of Dan to Jemma.

4. Evangeline stabbing Dan with a syringe was a ref to Sherlock (again) when Irene stabbed Sherlock with a syringe that made Sherlock go to his mind palace.

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