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TDP stands for TheDabPolice
JIM stands for Jemma is Missing


TheDabPolice and Jemma is Missing has a similarity between each other. Both of the stories include Mystery and Drama, only TheDabPolice being the detective and the realistic (quite?) thing and Jemma is Missing only focusing on fantasy. 

The differences and similarities are also found with the characters. Such as Dan and Jemma!

Dan in the Dab Police seemed to be more gullible and dramatic while Jemma is like the protective mom lol

Dan in J.I.M. is so brave, there are times when he shows his soft side sometimes but he's most likely very brave in the finding of Jemma. Unlike Dan in TheDabPolice Chapter 9, that Dan really lost it. (<— Me roasting my own stories)

Meanwhile, J.I.M. Jemma is really savage and sassy. But I do prefer TheDabPolice Jemma more, since she's more caring and kind. But sometimes sassy as well. But if Jemma wasn't kidnapped in JIM, she would be the same with TDP Jemma anyways.

Besides from the fact that TDP is longer, I have a question.

Which one would win in the battle of wits? TDP Dan or JIM Lizzie?

For the similarities, Justin and James still contained their attitudes like in JIM. Justin always the sassy with a heart one. And James, being sometimes— overreacting. Irl I think their attitudes are switched but it's just a story folks XD

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