[FACTS] CHAPTER 10 PARTS 1 & 2: The Doubt Police And Only A Mistake

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The last chapter of Book 1, in the trembling series of TheDabPolice — involves disappointing actions made by the characters, showing the humanly side in them. Depressing and intense chapters on the way, bringing in a welcome to TDP's Book 2 in the end.

VILLAIN: Erebusa Scott and Richard Lincoln
PUBLISHED: July 11, 2018 (The Doubt Police) - August 19, 2018 (Only a Mistake)

1. Even in the start of TDP itself, I have planed so much on how Chapter 10 MUST be done. I had my first inspiration from BBC Sherlock (a lot) and the concept of Chapter 10 was mostly The Reichenbach Fall (BBC Sherlock S2E3) for the 'wannabes' then another for manipulation and attempted gun suicide from The Final Problem (BBC Sherlock S4E3). Both of them are tense episodes that's why. :)

2. TDP 10 was supposed to have only one part on the chapter but it was too long to fit so yeah I'm sorry guys. :(

3. TDP CH 10 was the longest chapter I have ever written in my whole life (that could probably change but NO I want to keep book 2 short for you guys to read :D) consisting of 5000+ words for The Doubt Police and 6000+ words on Only a Mistake.

4. This chapter made me cry more than I cried in Chapter 9. Idk I think I cried only once in CH 9 and that is in Damsel in Distress but yeah for CH 10 I cried 3 times lmao I'm a crybaby.

5. TDP 10's second case in the chapter wss inspired, again, by Sherlock. But it's on John's blog lmao. It wss one of my fav cases, it was The Geek Interpreter. It was a story kf a guy who thought his comics was brought to life. I did the same with the client, except it was for ghosts. It is also sort of paralleling to a case in the original Sherlock Holmes books — A Case of Identity.

6. Due to my excitement, all drawinvs that are going to be made in the chapter was cancelled so I can publish it quickly lmao. Don't worry! I'll probably post the drawings here and I could add them there if I want. XD

7. Erebusa Scott's design was revised since the time I published CH9PT5 and during the working of TDP 10. Erebusa was originally gonna have long hair and a ghostly figure. But then, since that idea was scrapped in CH 8 and Valhalla and Erebusa are different people — I changed Erebusa to a short-haired woman with a loud attitude.

8. Not only does CH9 have deleted scenes, but CH10 has lots! I'll try to rewrite and post them on my free time. :)

9. Fake Dan is the villain on CH7 btw :) IF ANYONE WAS CONFUSED HAHA

10. TDP 10'S sad scenes have inspo and motivation from someone, tysm to that someone WHO BROKE MY HEART RECENTLY

Oh, and those who supported me as well XD TYSMMMM <3

11. Lastly, Little Denny and her mother's case was written on exactly 'Mother's Day'! (It was May 13 on that time, it was fantastic.) So I wrote it regarding of that day and a story of a concerned mother.

Writer's block struck me XD

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