[FACTS] CHAPTER 9 PT 1-5: The Path of Threats, "E.S.", The Captives, etc.

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It's raining, it's pouring
The heroes have fallen~

The 9th chapter of TheDabPolice involves sensitive scenes, heartbreak and suspense where they search for the missing Jemma, encounter many more mysteries of the ASDA — and unravel the powerful plan of Erebusa Scott and her revenge.

VILLAIN: Erebusa Scott
PUBLISHED: April 4, 2018 - May 7, 2018

1. Chapter 9, honestly, was the most unprepared chapter of all. It was lately and on the spot written with no actual research unlike Chapter 7-8. Little did I know would it be the most suspense chapter I have ever written. Also thank you to @JC_Smiths for helping me back in Foundation Day 2017!

2. Chapter 9 has the most parts as well, writing 5 long chapters and taking as long as a month to be able to do it! I used to borrow my grandma's laptop often just to finish it!

3. After being inspired by "Avengers: Infinity War" itself, I decided to tense up my action on that part (atleast 4 or 5) and did reach 4000+ words on part 5 on doing so!

+ a ref on CH9PT4 when Dan shut Jemma; the real Jemma said "I don't want to go" which was from Spiderman's death scene on Titan in IW!

+ another ref where James and Dan were joking around and Dan (or James?) said "No we don't do that here." was from an awkward scene in IW when Team Cap and Bruce Banner arrived at Wakanda; Bruce asks if he should bow since T'Challa is the king and he bowed without using the Wakanda salute and that's what T'Challa said when Bruce did that.

4. Most of this Chapter was inspired by Project LOKI and Moriartea both by AkoSiIbarra (a Filipino WP writer)! It's like TDP but in Filipino. A lot of inspo is put in parts 1 & 3-5!

5. Chapter 9 had 3 deleted/revised scenes! The other two is posted on this book (theres a chapter which tells you where) and the other is not posted but is a scrapped version of the first scenes in CH9PT1.

6. CH9 is where Erebusa started making Dan go insane, and the aftermath is CH10.

7. Dan smiling a lot in this chapter is something me and Rinzu talked about. Rinzu said something about Dan only smiling every time he had a new case to solve so I took it as a compliment and boom! a smiling Danyul UwU

8. Most of "E.S."'s (Erebusa) notes were saved and written in advance dedicated to the chapter and book itself.


A lot of songs were mentioned in the chapter as well. "Hallelujah" by Tori Kelly was playing on the radio of Evangeline's car in CH9PT2. I listened to it and fell in love with it cause @JC_Smiths mentioned it and I checked it out! A coincidence that JC introduced it to me and I put it in a chapter where his love is in? I THINK NOT.

"Ages of Pain" by Will Ryan / DAGames! I heard it first on Eddsworld and I think it just has like a great tune so I decided to sneak it in xD I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WILL WROTE IT AT FIRST TOO! Also add "One Last Time" by Ariana Grande in the list too :33

10. The case featured in CH9PT3 was supposed to be a Twitter story, inspired by @ ContactJW on Twitter (Yes, it's John Watson... YES, it's a fanpage.)

But then I actually didn't take action to it so... I snuck it in xD

DON'T WORRY! Twitter stories will be done soon tho :) Maybe Book 2 or something?

The username in CH9PT3 "TEHamazingpenguin" was 1) a reference to Benedict Cumberbatch (also played Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock) not being able to pronounce 'penguin' and 2) TEH means 'The Empty Hearse' which is Season 3 Episode 1 of Sherlock! Wowzo, thats a lotto. TwT

12. CH9PT3 confirms that Evangeline IS taken and his name is Trevor C. Middleton!

Btw, this guy is real! A request by the great @JC_Smiths! He loves Ev very much so adding her wouldn't be a pain! Made her male cus she likes it and I hope y'all do too :)

Also, get well soon JC. We miss your ass up in here :')  (in a friendly way)

13. That time when fake Jemma encountered Dan, it sounds familiar doesn't it? *flashback to Irene Adler in 'A Scandal in Belgravia'* *flashback on CH2PT1 when Ev did the same*

(fun fact: i wrote this on my journal first then forgot abt it so WOW HELLO WB CHERBER and also wtf have i been writing on that thing xD)

14. BTW, again, Cass is a reference to Cassius — @MelanieLily33's OC for Dan's alter egos and also a reference to Supernatural since my squad has watched it and I haven't rip. Also Gregory is from 'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid' and Greg Lestrade from 'Sherlock' (of course.)

15. CH9PT5, James is texting on his back using his phone — again, a ref from Sherlock once again (he's done it many times... He can do it all again!)

Anyways that's all... Stay tuned for more ;)

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