[FACTS] CHAPTER 7: The Abominable Alien

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Here lies the secrets of the ASDA, this chapter contained the story of an alien who desperately wanted to see her sister again, and the one who doomed the wrong team. She was, the one who waited.b

VILLAIN: Richard Lincoln
PUBLISHED: January 27, 2018



1. The title for Chapter 7 was inspired by the BBC Sherlock Special — "The Abominable Bride" (S03E04 or S04E00). But to be honest, it's just me having no other choice since i'm out of adjectives.

I mean, I don't want another Sherlock reference anyways lmao

2. The names of the aliens — Rosaline (Rose) and Amelia (Amy) were from Doctor Who. I mean, c'mon, a reference about a Time Lord with his companions fighting aliens? Gosh, yes! But well this is for the deeper stuff.

Amelia was the girl who waited for the Doctor to return (Like Amelia from Chapter 7 who waited for her sister to return).

Rosaline was to one being far away from her sister like when Rose and the Doctor separated.

3. Martin Jones? More like — Martin Freeman. Kidding! We're gonna talk about Martin Jones and Detective Edwards. Like in BBC Sherlock (that's it, Sheridan. Cut your fandom off this), we get Sgt. Donovan and DI Lestrade! One's the I don't like Sherlock type which is Sgt. Donovan (explains the calling of freak and telling John Watson to stay away from Sherlock Holmes) which is also similar to Detective Edwards' hate to Dan. Is it really misunderstanding, or something else?

Anyways, theres also that I believe Sherlock's a good man type which is Detective Inspector Lestrade which is for — Martin Jones.

For my country, it's inspired by Sherlock Jr. cause there are also two detectives there that has a love-hate thing with Sherlock Jackson Jr.

But the Martin Freeman joke? Obvious. C'mon, I watched Sherlock guys! — It's obvious.

But Everett Ross is a good character he played lmao. Quite fits Martin Jones, don't you think?

4. SPOILER WARNING! To settle the fight, yes, Detective Edwards was the one talking in the end. The reason will remain a secret. ;D

5. I think it's time I wake you all up, tbh, the photo of the alien in Twitter was indeed — photoshopped. Ooh what a great plot twist XD

Richard Lincoln, a member of the ASDA, apparently wanted to attract Dan. Y'all woke now?

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