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I spend the next few days busy with work, making sure the next line of clothing is good enough for the general public, and that we have the money to buy new materials. Making sure the men my managers hired are qualified for the job.

By the time I actually get back around to taking care of Patrick, the scars aren't completely healed, but they're healing. The bruises are slowly fading and he's being fed well.

I enter the room and as soon as I do, he stands from his bed and drops to his knees, hands behind his back and legs spread. He knows why I'm here. He knows how to take it.

"Have you had an enema since last we talked?" I ask.

"Yes, Sir," he replies, "It's routine for sex slaves."

"Good, what are your limits?"

"I will take anything you give me, Master." Patrick replies.

I groan and grab him by his hair and connecting our lips harshly, palming him through his panties and feeling him slowly grow hard.

"Undress me, Whore." I growl, pushing him away. He quickly does so, peeling off my dress shirt and tie and pulling off my belt soon after. He sets the belt on the bed, then continues with my jeans and boxers, watching as I step out of the clothing.

Once it's off, he kneels and presents me my belt, making me raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What's this for, Slave?"

"In case you want to hurt me or restrain me, Sir." Patrick breathes, "I'm supposed to give it to my owner before every scene."

I nod, grabbing the belt from him, "Bend over the bed. Can you take it dry?"

"Yes, Sir."

I nod, "Call me Gerard."

His eyes open wide as he looks up at me, "I-I'm not allowed to, Sir, that's against-"

"I don't fucking care, call me Gerard or I will fucking punish you, do you understand?" I bark.

He lowers himself back over the bed as I tie the belt around his wrists, "Yes, S-Gerard."

I nod and pull down the underwear, taking off his cloak before stroking my cock a few times and yanking out the buttplug, then pushing myself in his tight heat.

He doesn't make a sound, just takes it and lays limp against the bed, head thrown to the side.

Our hips slap against each other but the slave makes no move to stop it. Or help. He makes no move whatsoever. The next few minutes pass quickly and when I cum inside him, he just takes it obediently and doesn't say a word in protest.

"Do you want to cum?" I ask him softly.

"Am I allowed to come, Gerard?" He asks quietly.

I nod.

He blushes profusely at that, "None of my old masters let me cum ever. I had to break their rules and do it in private and I always punished myself for it... thank you, Master."I nod, pulling him up so his back is against my chest and I begin jerking him off quickly.

"Cum in 3, 2, 1." I feel him release into my hand, nothing but a small gasp escaping this lips and I immediately empty his load into his mouth, watching him swallow obediently.

"Thank you, Sir," he breathes.

I nod and press him back down on the bed before undoing the belt, "I don't have many rules for you, but if you break any of them, I will punish you with a whipping or a beating. One, you will not touch yourself in private. I want you to pleasure yourself when I'm with you. Two, you are limited to 2 meals a day, any more or less and you'll be punished. Three, you will be at my disposal at any time. Four, you can wander the mansion as you like but you will not bother my work. Five, you will call me Gerard during scenes. Six, if you attempt to escape, I will send you three days without food and one day without water along with a lashing. Seven, you will bathe at least once a day. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master," Patrick nods.

I nod, "Get on the bed."

He quickly complies and I grab my tie from the floor before tying his hands to the headboard, shoving the buttplug back in his ass and grabbing a cockring, nipple clamps, and a blindfold from the drawer beneath the bedside table.

"This is for not calling me Gerard right away." I nod, shoving the cockring on his cock, pinching his nipples with the clamps, and tying the blindfold around his head. He seems especially sensitive with his nipples and clenches his teeth at that.

He doesn't say a word. I don't expect him to, I only leave the room, shutting and locking the door to leave him for another 6 hours.

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