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The next few days are spent where Patrick stays directly by Gerard's side 24/7. He doesn't want anything to do with the maids. He doesn't even know why he's overreacting about the fact he was throat fucked by Frank. It's no different than what the other slaves did to him.

Except he fought back, and he was still forced back down.

That doesn't happen. Slaves aren't supposed to fight back. And... god, he knows he's not really a slave anymore, because Gerard is treating him so well but at the same time, he also he could never just... not be a slave. He was trained that he was not really a real person. The person he was was taken out years ago when he went to the slave institute.

He doesn't know how to feel about Gerard either. He wants to... he wants to feel the same way about Gerard, but he doesn't know if he does. Doesn't know if he can.

"Patrick, can you come over here?"

His eyes perk up, and he immediately goes to Gerard's desk, falling to his knees and holding his hands behind his back as he was taught, "Yes, Master."

Gerard looks the boy over, wearing a regular t-shirt and jeans. He didn't want Patrick going around in the lingerie anymore. Not with all the maids trying to get in his pants.Gerard reaches forward and turns the collar around Patrick's neck making the slave's eyes widen and his lungs to inhale deeply. When Gerard takes it off, he feels his hands begin to shake.

"You aren't mine anymore, Patrick," Gerard whispers, setting the collar on his desk, the gentle imprinting of his name and slave number engraved into the silver Patrick Stump - 630112

"I... I'm free?" Patrick breathes.

Gerard nods, gently kissing Patrick's forehead, "I'm going to give you $50,000, and I'm going to give you the choice to stay here, or start your own life. You are no longer bound by my rules. You're a free man. I don't want you to serve me anymore."

Patrick doesn't waste any time in jumping up and pulling Gerard close, "Oh my god!"Gerard only chuckles and hugs back, feeling Patrick shaking in his arms. They both know the collar is a symbol of ownership. Without it, slaves are free. Slaves are people.But he'll still be seen as a slave to society. Slaves can't legally be freed. Just figuratively. But it's enough for Patrick's heart to pound in his chest and tears rise to his eyes.

"I want to stay with you, Master," Patrick breathes. He can't leave Gerard no matter how much he may want to. They both know Patrick would barely survive a week in the real world. He needs someone to control him.

The institute will never leave him. He's still a slave to everyone but Gerard and whoever else in the house. He's still a slave to himself. He knows damn well it's not an on and off switch.

But he knows he's freed within the house and it's enough for him.

He's happy. Trapped, but happy.

We Are Broken • GeetrickWhere stories live. Discover now