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--Patrick --

The maids are much different from Gerard.

That's the first thing I notice when my master leaves, that when I leave my room, one of them just looks at me and smiles, his maid uniform across his body. He's kind of cute, but I know he couldn't want me. I am a slave. I am worth nothing but money.

"Would you like me to get you more comfortable clothing?" The man asks, coming forward. I notice the short black hair on his head that seems to perk up a little with his emotions and the dark brown eyes. Broken. I know that look.

"Y-You don't have to, Sir," I say quietly, lowering my head.

The man sighs and holds out his hand softly, "Don't call me sir. My name's Pete."

I blush a deep red at the action, eyes widening, "W-What are you doing?"

The man laughs awkwardly, "I'm holding out my hand for a handshake... y'know because I want to get to know you?"

I frown in confusion, "I don't... why? Isn't that a symbol of equality? I'm nothing more than a slave, Sir."

Pete bites his lip, letting his hand fall to his side, "Patrick, we are equals."

I frown even more, "Sir, I'm sorry to talk back, but slaves are the lowest. Maids are above but will do duties for some slaves if requested. Butlers are above maids. And owners along with family are above butlers."

Pete's friendly endearment falls almost immediately and he whispers a small, "They really did fuck you up..."

"I'm sorry, Sir?"

Pete shakes his head, "My mother was sold as a slave, along with my brother. My sister is a slave."

I walk beside Pete as he leads me through the mansion, dusting off the stairway oh so gently, "You see, I only saw my brother one last time when they were being sold by the cooperation. I never went because I am not a slave, but I saw how empty he was." Pete swallows, "They fucked you up there. Basically take out who you are and replace it with a someone else. With a robot."

I lower my eyes, "I don't usually like talking about what happened, Sir."

"I know." Pete sighs.

"Wentz, what the fuck are you doing with the slave?"

My eyes rise to see a tall man with bright blue eyes and brown hair. Long legs accompanying a black suit.

"Dallon, Sir." Pete bows his head, "I'm sorry, Sir, we were talking."

The butler looks down at me, glaring, "The slave is to be used for sex and nothing else. Master Way's order. If you can't use him the way he's supposed to be used, I'm sure I can find someone else who will, Do you understand me, Wentz?"

"Yes, Sir, it won't happen again." Pete nods quickly.

Dallon eyes me, making me shrink down a little, the thin cloth covering my baby blue lingerie not doing much to warm me... or cover me.

"Patrick, tell me, how many times have you been fucked since you've been here?" Dallon growls.

"Once, Sir." I reply, hands shaking.

"Wentz, you are dismissed." Dallon orders.


"Wentz, you are dismissed." Dallon growls much more harshly than before. The maid gives me one last look before sighing and nodding.

"Yes, Sir."

As soon as Pete has left, Dallon grabs me by my hair and drags me back upstairs to the spare bedroom where I'm staying, and I struggle to quickly settle my racing heart.Dallon shuts the door as soon as we're in, but instead of throwing me onto the bed, he slams me into the door, forcing my breath from my lungs before he's pressing two fingers into my mouth and tugging off the cloth around my shoulders, revealing the lingerie Brendon assigned me today.

A corset squeezes my waist and chest, baby blue with some white laced in with it. Beneath the corset is a garter belt, white with a baby blue trim and a pair of blue lace panties beneath them, covering my cock. Farther down is a pair of leggings, baby blue just like the rest of my outfit.

Dallon outright moans at the sight, eyes gazing over the outfit and he seems to forget everything as he leans forward and rubs his fingers over my skin, slipping the fingers from my mouth down to his cock where he jerks himself the slightest through his suit pants.

"Would you like help with that, Sir?" I ask quietly.

"No, stay right where you are." Dallon orders. I immediately comply, eyes lowering. Dallon doesn't even finish jerking off before he's forcing my chest against the door and crouching down to run his fingers down my ass, eventually slapping the skin through the garter belt and the panties before standing back up straight.

"Fuck Brendon chose well," Dallon rubs his eyes and blinks, "whore, you are dismissed."

"Thank you, Sir," I nod.

I quickly leave the room while I hear the wet sounds of Dallon jerking off and I'm pretty sure he takes a dick pic at some point, but I'm not entirely sure.

Either way, I'm beginning to find my place here.

We Are Broken • GeetrickΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα