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Patrick is panting, sweat slick on his back as he and Gerard lay beside each other, Gerard kissing Patrick softly and Patrick just staying completely limp, exhausted. His muscles have a soft burn in them, arms tired from gripping Gerard's hips, thighs from being on his knees for so long,

Neither want to move, it's so nice, cuddling and not having to worry about a thing. Gerard clinging onto Patrick closely and refusing to let go. Patrick smiling and panting, weaving his hands through his hair and eventually throwing away the condom when it gets uncomfortable on himself. And the best part is, he didn't change. He stayed his normal, non-slave Patrick self.

"You were never this clingy before," Patrick whispers, shutting his eyes and pressing his forehead to Gerard's.

"That's because this meant a lot more," Gerard replies, "Didn't you feel a difference?"

"Of course I did," Patrick smiles, "I just didn't know if you had, too."

Gerard kisses Patrick's lips softly, keeping it slower than the rest of them before and smiling the slightest into the honeyed lips, "I think I like you as a top."

Patrick laughs and kisses Gerard again, "I love you."

"I love you, too..."




"Sirs, wake up! There's a fire in the house! A fire in the house, we need to hurry!"

Gerard's eyes dart open as soon as Dallon screams it, and he wastes no time in turning and-


Patrick is gone.

Gerard's eyes widen but he realizes he needs to act fast. He grabs a pair of underwear, a cloak, and a pair of shoes.

"We need to find Patrick!" Gerard yells over the sound of burning wood and smoke. It's filling his nose and his lungs and turning everything grey. Making his eyes water and making his chest heave as he coughs.

"I'll send the maids right on it, Sir! We need to get out of here!" Dallon replies, quickly taking Gerard's hand and pulling him through the hall, down the stairs, through the kitchen and the living room, and out the door. The moment they're out, Gerard sees the fire, sees the burning ember and he lets out a scream.

His house, the house he grew up in, the house he played with Mikey in, the house he's known for years upon years is gone. Gone to the fire. Gone to the ashes. Gone.

"Patrick!" Gerard screams even louder, "I need to go back in, he's in there!"

Dallon grabs him before he can run, keeping him close, "It's not safe!"

"Patrick's going to die!"

"He already is dead!" Dallon snaps.

Gerard's eyes widen.

"There's no way in hell he could survive for this long. Pete and Ryan and Brendon and Joe and Andy, they're all looking for him!" Dallon cries, "They're looking just as hard as you. We need to be focusing on what started this! I have Tyler calling 9-1-1. What more do you want?"


Dallon rubs his eyes, stressed. That's when it collapses.

The house collapses. Burnt wood coming in on itself. The inside must be a million degrees. People must have been crushed. The house cannot be saved.

Gerard screams out and tries to get out of Dallon's grasp but the butler holds him firm.


Pete crawls out of the building, covered in soot and ash. Covered in burns and blood.

Soon behind him is Patrick.

We Are Broken • GeetrickWhere stories live. Discover now