Chapter 10

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Lunch hour rolled along soon thereafter.

I had departed ways with Sato in search of time by myself, and as I roamed the empty halls, the only place I could think of was the sanctity of the school's roof.

I chewed on my lip and went over what I had discovered about Dream Walker in my head on my way up the stairs, trying to decipher a diligent enough plan to get class A the right kind of experience before they're even put in the position to fight Dream Walker.

Without that quirk I'm incapable of a lot of things, and the idea of using Tokoyami made my joints stiffen. It would be silly to say that I've developed a fear of the dark, but I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't hard for me to turn off the lights before I got into bed at night.

If it weren't for the new constant work load, I'd be going to sleep long before the sun even set behind the horizon.

I shook my head of my irrational fear and looked up as I roamed down the hall toward the roof's heavy metal entrance. It had been a long time since I had been up here, I couldn't help but feel nostalgic, even if the reasons for escaping here weren't pleasant.

I wrapped my fingers around the steel door handle and twisted it open. A gust of light wind filtered into the corridor, and in turn my face, prompting my exposed eye to squint whilst I stepped outside.

Upon opening it back up all the way, I was shocked to see Hattori sitting on the bench I so frequently sat on myself. Her back was to me and her still dark, long hair tangled with the wind as it rushed passed her.

For a moment that didn't last longer than a few seconds, I thought she didn't notice me, but that was until she turned around with a blank look on her face.

"Oh," she said in disgust. "It's you."

I raised an eyebrow but shut the door behind me anyway.

"What're you doing here?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." I retorted, walking up to the side of the bench to look out at the city.

Hattori clicked her tongue and scooted as far away from me ask she possibly could without falling off her seat. Half the things she did convinced me that she was four instead of fifteen.

"What do you want?" She asked bitterly, breaking the silence.

"I wasn't expecting to see you up here," I replied stoically. "I don't 'want' anything from you."

She scoffed and abruptly got to her feet. I peered up to her with half lidded eyes as she scowled angrily back down at me. Her hands were balled into fists at her sides and only then did I realize how much she's changed.

Her hair wasn't as uneven and unkempt as it was previously, and her skin even looked a shade tanner then the last time I saw it. The bags under her eyes looked as if they've reappeared instead of already being there, and she wasn't as scrawny.

"Why did you even come back?" She was a fountain of questions today. I stared at her blankly.

"You know why." I replied matter-of-factly.

"We could have dealt with him fine without you," she seethed, disregarding my sarcasm. "We were and then you came back and fucked everything up again."

"I didn't fuck anything up," I sighed, narrowing my eyes while I slid my hands into my pockets. "At least not yet. And don't lie to me, Musutafu has been in a slump ever since I left."

"Don't act all high and mighty," she demanded, tone rising a decibel as she took a step forward. "Just because you're a teacher and just because you think you can stop him. These classes aren't getting us anywhere closer to beating him and you know it!"

Happy Ending ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now