Chapter 15

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Musutafu's Children's Hospital.

My heart was racing in my chest as I sprinted down the street passed a sea of pedestrians trying to get away from the commotion.

I had departed from U.A. alone to meet the authorities at the scene against the better judgement of Nezu. I wasn't able to think about anything else but the kids who were stuck inside a building with a masochist. My safety and how unprepared I was didn't even cross my mind.

I turned the corner just as police cars drove up to the lot. My attention was divided amongst the authorities and the firemen, and since the firemen were already out of their vehicles, I approached them.

As I advanced, a taller fireman with black hair poking out from his helmet turned to me.

"I'm sorry, Miss," he said, holding a hand out in front of me. "No civilians are permitted —"

"I am a representative from U.A. High School," I said quickly, narrowing my eyes. "Call me Freezer. Fill me in on what's going on."

The fireman took a moment to look me up and down, and upon realizing that I was dressed in my hero uniform, he cleared his throat and directed his attention to the building.

"The recently active villain who's been on the news since last year has infiltrated the hospital," he summarized, directing a finger to the second highest floor. "We hypothesize that he's got hostages on the twelfth floor. His demands haven't been voiced yet."

"You really think waiting for him to tell you what he wants is going to help the people he has in there?" I asked, ridiculing him with my eyes. "What means are you going by to get in?"

"Well —"

I cut him off at the sound of his uncertainty, turning on my heel toward the building.

"Thanks to your lallygagging," I hissed. "I'm unsure of how many kids and doctors he's already killed. So thank you for that, sir."

"Miss, please refrain from entering the hospital!" He ran after me and I whipped around.

"I don't think you understand," I seethed. "There's no time. Search the nearby buildings for a darkly dressed man and keep an eye on the surrounding civilians."

I gestured to the people behind the security tape.

"Make sure none of them leave."

I turned again and this time sprinted forward to prevent him from stopping me again.

The lobby floor was empty, leading me to believe that there were lockdown zones elsewhere in the hospital. Taking only a second to glance around, I ran toward the door leading to the staircase and began sprinting upward.

I kept my eyes fastened to the door numbers as I passed each floor, monitoring my stamina as much as possible as I climbed the stairs. Crying could be heard from beyond the metal door, but I pushed myself onward. I had to check the twelfth floor first and work my way down.

Finally, I quietly burst in through the door and slyly ran down the halls, willing myself to make as little noise as humanly possible.

I turned to look around corners before either passing or roaming down them, heart beat loud in my ears. In my time of searching, I cursed the hospital floors for being so damn wide.

Eventually I marked off all the rooms and halls clear and ran toward the staircase again. Whilst pushing open the door to the eleventh floor, I could hear hurried footsteps wracking down the halls. I retreated back into the stairwell and cracked the metal door, peeking out into the hall as a few doctors passed by.

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