Chapter 13

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I left Sato's house promptly at five.

I kept doubling back to the text Aizawa had sent to me last night. He was probably wondering where I was, but his lack of obvious worry made me not want to go back home altogether.

I nearly slapped myself for growing so soft so suddenly and put on a brave face, hoping to get through the hall and up the stairs to take a shower with a minimal amount of social interaction.

I nearly glided across the wood floor to avoid making noise, but of course my aunt's keen ears detected my shuffling and she poked her head out of the kitchen doorway the moment my foot landed on the first step.

"Osoroshi," she breathed calmly, halting my movements completely. "Where have you been?"

"At the school." I said curtly, not looking back at her as I inched my way upward.

"Until six-thirty?" She asked pointedly. I rolled my eyes at the stern tone she used.

"Yes," I huffed. "I had work to do, incase you didn't know."

"Of course I knew," she argued. I felt the vibration of her stomps as she stood at the end of the staircase. "Come down here."

"Who are you to parent me?" I spat, finally turning to scowl at her. "You have no right. Not since you gave that up."

Her face fell into a hurt expression, but I felt numb to her eyes as she looked me up and down.

"Osoroshi, I —"

"Save it," I cut her off, waving a hand in the air. "I've heard it all before and would really rather not hear it again."

She let me go this time, and by her silence I could already tell that she'd send Aizawa up after me. I didn't even bother looking in the bathrooms direction and just went straight into my room.

My bed called for me and I gratefully gravitated to it, falling back against the mattress as the door soon opened again.

"Osoroshi," Aizawa said sternly, shutting it hard behind him. "Seriously?"

"You can't expect me to forgive her," I swung back up to glare at him. "I can't believe you forgive her."

"I only did for your sake," he said. His expression was something I couldn't read. "And you should really think about her coming back now of all times, she's putting a lot on the line for you."

"I didn't ask her to." I spat hatefully, standing from my bed with balled fists.

"You didn't have to because that's what family does for each other," he replied in an equal tone. "And you have absolutely no room to talk. You did the exact same thing."

"I had a justifiable reason!" I argued irritably.

"Don't act like you can do no wrong," he said darkly. I felt the anger swelling within me burst. "You leaving did nothing to help anyone. It fucked everything up and deep down you know that."

"Are you kidding me?" I seethed. The floor beneath me froze. "I've been trying to tell you people this entire time that everything I've been doing is wrong! Why do you think I came back here? Why I'm risking everything for you people who couldn't care less anyway?! Don't you dare accuse me of unjustly defending myself because that is not what I've been doing! Open your fucking eyes, Shouta! Look at what I've been doing, stop dwelling on what I did a year ago and accept that I'm trying my fucking hardest to fix it when I still can!"

"You think I can just forgive you for leaving me?" He seethed, tone calm yet uneven. "I've been trying Osoroshi, so I sympathize why it's so hard for you to forgive your aunt; but between you and I, it's different. You're my daughter, blood or not and it destroyed me reading that note."

Happy Ending ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now