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You were sitting in your usual spot by the window the next day

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You were sitting in your usual spot by the window the next day.

I had to talk myself into approaching you after how wrong everything went the previous day.

I took a deep breath before maneuvering through the sea of desks until I found myself in front of yours.

You still hadn't noticed me.

I didn't think you would.

My hand came down onto your shoulder once again, your reaction the same as before.

"What the hell do you want?"

I was taken back by your rudeness.

"You left this at the park yesterday, I thought you'd like it back."

I pulled out the blue notebook from inside my bag, holding it as though it was a fragile piece of glass.

Your eyes widened in realization, bouncing between your journal and myself.

"Did you read this!?"

You ripped it out of my hands, opening it up, skimming the pages for any sign of foreign eyes.


I shouldn't have lied.

I should have told you the truth.

"I would never."

You looked up at me, your heavy breathing lightly easing up.

You closed the book, holding it in front of you, before lightly nodding and dismissing me.

The rest of the day went by smoothly without any more interactions between us.

Until the final bell.

Students were piling out of classrooms in every direction, I had to fight my way to my locker.

I looked up from behind my locker door just to see you rushing out of your class, eyes searching for something or someone.

You stayed in the middle of the hallway, your gaze finally landing on me.

Something in my breathing changed when I saw you walking towards me.

I couldn't even break eye contact.

Because as soon as I blinked, there you were.

In front of me.

"Look, thanks for bringing me back my notebook. I'm sorry that I was so rude earlier."

My smile must have been bigger than a mountain at that point.

"No, of course. There's no need to thank me."

You nodded again.

"I'm sorry I was rude at the park. I don't like people seeing me dance."

I shook my head in response.

"You were right. I shouldn't have been watching you. I've just never seen someone move with so much passion before."

"You're an incredible dancer."

I could have sworn that I saw something shift in your eyes.

A twinkle.

"I'm Park Jimin."

I looked down at your extended hand before carefully place my own into it.

Your hand was smooth and soft.

I could have sworn I felt a shock of electricity shoot through my finger tips at the feeling of your warm skin touching mine.


A voice boomed through the hallway.

A boy stood by the doors of the exit, waving you down.

"I'll see you later."

I nodded.

Half way down the hall I heard your smooth voice once again.

You stopped abruptly, whipping your body back around.

"What's your name?"

You shouted at me, dirty looks followed your loud voice.

"Kim A-Yeong."

You grinned and nodded as you bounced away.

Your face squished up, eyes closed, teeth showing.

For the first time I had noticed the small imperfection in your smile.

The small crooked tooth.

It was the most precious thing.

I wish you had seen how perfect your imperfections were.

I wish you had seen the beauty in them.

But you didn't.


So we've made some progress in A-Yeong and Jimin's relationship. You've also finally learned the main characters name.

Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Thank you so much!



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