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I watched your reaction closely, at first I couldn't really tell what you were thinking at all

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I watched your reaction closely, at first I couldn't really tell what you were thinking at all.

I never really could anyways.

"What do you mean?" You had asked, shaking your head in confusion.

"I mean I've seen you do all of that already. The day we met." I looked away quickly.

I wasn't sure how you'd respond to me bringing up the past.

"At the park..." You trailed off.

I nodded my response.

I wanted to tell you more that day, about the journal but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"You're an amazing dancer Jimin, very talented. I don't know why you don't see that."

Your head hung, lost deep within your thoughts.

You laid back down, motioning for me to do the same.


Your voice was so soft.


"Thank you."

I smiled widely at you, nodding my head briefly.

"What's your story, why music?" You asked turning on your side to face me.

"Honestly? There's not much of a story behind it. It's just something that I love and know better than anything else."

You were paying close attention to my words, eyes scanning over my face as I talked.

It made me feel anxious, the look you were giving me.

"There's got to be a reason why. No one doesn't anything without one."

Your breath caressed my ear, letting me know just how close you were.

I inhaled deeply, your proximity clouding my thoughts.

"It's the one thing in the world that brings me any sort of comfort. It's the one thing that I can depend on to be there when no one else is."

I let my thoughts out in one breath.

It was hard for me to admit to that, just how alone I really was.

"A-Yeong." You spoke up again.


"I think I have an idea."

I glanced at your big brown eyes, "What?"

"I have an idea. For the project."

I smiled widely at you.

"What is it?"

"I'll show you tomorrow," You spoke, lifting the blanket, wrapping it around our frames, "Get some rest."

You laid you head back onto the ground, the camping lantern you had brought, now off.

I laid awake in the darkness until I heard your soft snoring.

It was hard to sleep, having you so close, it was so comforting that it was impossible to find peace.

You were comforting for me.

I knew because of that I would get attached.

And in the end...

I did.


Hey guys!

Sorry for such a short chapter but I've got a lot of works in progress I'm writing and some health concerns that I've been taking care of!

I hope you enjoy it anyways.

We're close to 300 views.

I know that's so little but honestly this has only been up for maybe three weeks tops! I didn't think I'd get that many people reading it so soon.

It's really cool to see!

Thank you so much for reading my book!

I'm excited to be writing this series for you!

Don't forget to head over to BTS_BangtanBoyz profile for Awake and don't forget to check out Mad Hatter well you're there!

Feel free to comment because I'd love to see what you think so far!


So as you're all aware, I update every Friday and Sunday.

Unfortunately for the next two weeks I won't be able to update.

I'm going to Europe on Friday so it's going to be such a hectic week for me with packing and school that I won't have much time to even write!

With that being said, I plan to do a double update on 12th and 15th to make up for the lost time!

I'm sorry for inconvenience!



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