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"Yes. I'm sure." My voice was quivering, hands shaking.

You moved closer to me, so close if I just leaned up...

Our noses were touching, our bodies were once again pressed against one another.

"Tell me to stop before this gets too far."

Your words melting into me.

I didn't want you to stop.

"No," I shook my head lightly, "I want to see where this goes."

Your lips turned up into a mischievous smirk, letting me know just what you had planned.

"That can be arranged."

The world began to almost spin as your lips inches closer and closer to my own.

That is until the studio door bounced open and a young boy stood there, eyes widened with shock.


You closed your eyes and hung your head, taking one deep breath in before letting it out.

"Hyung. We need your help, some of the guys can't get the choreography right."

You turned your attention to the freshman before nodding your head.

"I'll be there in a few minutes."

The boy nodded and left the room rather quickly.

"Jimin?" I sighed.

"We'll talk about this okay? Just... not right now." You responded, fingers grazing my cheek before heading towards the studio doors.

In that moment it was like I couldn't breathe at all.

The oxygen had been ripped out of the air.

I slowly slide back back down against the wall and hung my head on my knees.

It was so close to happening... we were so close to kissing.

I closed my eyes.


This would be our downfall.

This would start the long tragic events that would be our end.

I knew it would be.

And it had been.

A/N: unedited

Oh my gosh guys.

I know at this point you all want to kill me for like never updating and I'm so sorry.

I've had such big problems with this story and how I wanted to continue this and/or how many chapters would actually be involved.

I feel like I haven't developed as much of the plot as I would have liked and as a result I'm kind of stuck for words.

I don't plan on abandoning this story but I do think I need to take some time to edit it and revamp it.


I'm going to push through and write some more chapters, enough to get the basic plot and story completed and then I'm going to take it down and edit it.

I fully plan on reposting it. I might not even take it down, I might just go chapter by chapter, maybe adding a few new ones in.

Maybe I won't even edit it, who knows.

Let me know your opinions on this please, do you think things are moving too fast or too slow? Is there enough plot development for you guys to understand what's supposed to be going on?

Let me know please :)

Like seriously though, lemme know haha!

Don't forget to comment, vote and share this story.

Love you guys!



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