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After the way you had left me, hurt and confused, I made my way home, stopping at the small park by my house

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After the way you had left me, hurt and confused, I made my way home, stopping at the small park by my house.

I sat on the familiar swing set and gazed up at the blue sky.

I never understood your hostility towards me in the beginning.

I still don't.

I sighed taking in a deep breath before unraveling my headphones.

Just before I placed them in my ears I heard the soft melody, the melody that I thought I would never hear again.

My head shot up in the same direction I had heard it from last time.

I quickly rose of the swing and made my way down the hill just in time to watch you lose your balance mid air and fall.

"Are you okay!"

I yelled rushing towards you.

I grabbed onto your arm, trying to help you regain your balance only to be shoved away.

"Can't you take a hint? How did you even know I was here!"

You let out a puff of frustration before slowly lowering yourself to the ground, using a tree trunk to brace yourself.

"I was sitting on the swings. I heard the music."

You caught my eyes in an intense glare.

"How convenient for you."

At that point my frustration and pain had built up so much that all I could do was take it out on you.

"Look Park Jimin. I don't know what happened to you that made you so god damn rude and disrespectful but I've had enough of it. I've done absolutely nothing wrong. I haven't been rude or invasive. I haven't said one thing that could even remotely justify the way that you've treated me. Haven't you ever been taught how to be polite or were you just dropped on that big head of yours one too many times!?"

I yelled, not stopping to even breathe.

I was angry and hurt.

I knew my face was bright red and I could feel the heat reaching my cheeks.

All I had wanted to do was be your friend.

Apparently I just wasn't good enough.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

You gawked at me as though I had just bit the head off a chicken.

"You heard me."

I straightened my back and placed my hands on my hips.

"Furthermore, You're a jackass with a big ego. You seem to think you're so much better than everyone else. It's annoying. Who are you to act above me? Well if that's the case you and your bipolar fucking attitude can do the music and dance project on your own."

I grabbed my bag that had dropped and began walking back up the hill before a rough pair of hands yanked me backwards.

"You've got no idea what you're talking about. I don't act above people. I just have no interest in expanding my friend group. I don't have an interest in befriending some stuck up brat, who thinks that she's smarter than everyone else. I can't believe how many people believe your little "I'm innocent and sweet" act because it's total bullshit."


I said turning to look you in the eyes.

"I have no interest in being friends with you, Park fucking Jimin."

I pulled my wrist out from your viper-like grasp and finished walking back to the swing set.

The tears had already started to fall.

I knew that they would.

They always did.

I sat back on the swing set before covering my face with my palms.

Everything I had said was a lie, it was clear to me that you were going through things that you desperately tried to hide from the world.

It was my need to snoop through your notebook that had enlightened me.

I sat there crying for what seemed like forever.

It wasn't about me being hurt anymore

I felt so god damn guilty.

I didn't know that you were standing there, against a tree on top of the hill.

I didn't know you were watching

I didn't know that you had seen me cry.

And I really wished that you hadn't.

If you had gone on with your life our friendship wouldn't have happened.

And I wouldn't have ended up so broken.

Hey guys!

What do you think of Spring Day so far? Can anyone guess what's going to happen?

I want to thank everyone who's been reading this, it's really nice seeing people read something that I've worked hard on but even if no one likes it, I enjoy writing it so thank you for taking an interest in something that I love!



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