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I had sat at that park for hours

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I had sat at that park for hours.

The sun had long set and disappeared, leaving the moon to shine high above in the sky.

My tears had dried and I aimless stared at the stars, back pressed against the soft grass.

It was cold, colder than you'd expect for what had been a nice spring day.

The chilly air brought out the goose bumps on my arms but I didn't dare to move.

I didn't have the energy left in me to move.

I closed my eyes, taking everything in.

I had stopped crying hours ago but the guilt didn't end with them.

I shouldn't have been so quick to through my pained words at you.

I knew there was so much more going on.

My eyes opened as I heard the grass behind me rustle.

I sat up, turning around to see the last person that I would have expected to see:


"Are you planning on freezing yourself to death or just taking a camping trip in the run down park? I heard the playground slide is a great bed."

I rolled my eyes, turning my head back around.

"What are you doing here?" 

"It's a public place, nothing says I can't be."

I heard you moving around before soft fabric was placed on my shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up to meet your gaze, seeing you now jacket-less.

"I told you."

You sat down beside me, keeping a safe distance.

"You're going to freeze."

You looked at me with a look I hadn't seen on your face before.

It was almost looked like guilt.

"Thank you."

I said holding the fabric closer to my body.

"Look. I'm not the best at making friends or communicating and I'm not good at the whole, being open and optimistic thing but we've got this project to do, you need a dancer and I need a musician so the only way this is going to work, is if we get along."

I nodded.

"I'm sorry for what I said. It was uncalled for."

Your head dropped, shaking it.

"No. It was called for. I've treated you badly when all you've been is nice. I'm not used to it. I'm sorry."

"You seem to be apologizing to me a lot this past few weeks."

"I know. It's because I've been a jerk. I promise I'm not always this much of a dick."

I smiled.

I wish you had been.

It would have made walking away so much easier.


Hey guys!

I've decided to start updating on Thursdays instead of Fridays because that's when I update The Guilty Ones.

On a completely different side note.


Jungkook's Only Then cover.

It killed me.

If you've been living under a rock and haven't checked it out, it's at the top of this page.

It has no relation to the chapter....

It's just really fucking beautiful.

Go support our Kookie



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Spring Day *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now