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After that night we had agreed on a truce and you seemed to be keeping your word

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After that night we had agreed on a truce and you seemed to be keeping your word.

"Okay, make your way down to the dance studio to talk with your partners. Remember guys, this will only work if you trust in each other."

The teacher closed his book, leaning back into his chair as everyone left.

I made my way to the corner of the studio where we had met last time, like a planned.

"Kim A-Yeong."

Your voice was much softer, much more pleasant.

"Park Jimin."

You smiled widely, placing yourself on the ground next to me.

"What's the plan of attack?"

I shrugged my shoulders at you. As much as it seemed simple to write a song and choreograph a dance to accompany it, it wasn't simple at all.

There was so much that went into it, so many factors that could determine the outcome.

It didn't help that we hardly even knew each other.

"I have no idea how to approach this. We have to decide on a concept and create everything based off that. How the song will sound, how the dance will be made. We don't even know each other's interests. How can we make a piece like this?"

You sighed heavily.

"You're right. I guess we don't know very much about one another. I guess we should change that."

I liked the idea of getting to know you.

"How do you purpose we do that?"

You stood up, hauling me with you in the process.

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to spend the next twenty-four hours together."

My mouth flew open and I swear I almost choked on my own spit.

"Why would we have to do that!?"

I coughed out.

"How else are you going to get to know someone fast enough to complete such an intimate project?" You asked.

I searched your face for any signs of you joking but I quickly came to the conclusion that you weren't.

"I am not spending twenty-four hours with you Jimin." I stated.

You laughed loudly, "Why not!?"

"Because we don't know each other well enough?"

"Well isn't that the point of the twenty-four hours?"

"No. We can't. Besides, my parents would flip out."

You laughed again before answering.

"You're a university student A-Yeong. You're not in high school anymore."

I sighed loudly, you were right.

No matter the excuse I fed you, you'd find a way to discredit it.


"How would this work? I want to know what I'm getting myself into before I agree."

You smiled so widely, I thought your lips would get stuck like that.

"Well, we'll just do everything together for the next twenty-four hours. We can rent a hotel room, with two beds of course, that way we're forced to stay together."

I was so skeptical about the plan but at the same time the idea was so intriguing to me.

We had been going back and forth for weeks, insulting each other, fighting.

This could be good for us, a way to seriously bond and move past it all.

I'd be lying if the idea of sleeping in the same room as you didn't intrigue me as well.

"Okay, fine. We'll spend the next twenty-four hours together."

You grabbed my wrist before dragging me out of the studio.

"Also, one last thing. A-Yeong."

I arched my head to meet your face.

"The only rule, is there are no rules. This isn't going to work if we get defensive and lie to each other."

I nodded, "We have to respect boundaries though."

You quickly agreed before lugging me out of the school and towards your car.

I wasn't sure if that was a good decision at the time.

Even now I'm not so sure.


Hey guys!

How was everyone's weekend?

I'm slowly starting to develop their friendship, but I'm warning you, nothing is going to happen too fast.

This book isn't going to focus on a budding romance but more so the foundation of their friendship as it becomes important in the final chapters, as you'll see.

Let me know what you think and don't forget to comment, vote and share!




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