Fnaf: Pull through

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Forever we shall remain,
To play this never ending game
To live a life not our own,
To feel all so alone,

But my friends we can pull through,
We will find peace soon,

To right a terrible wrong,
But for now we sing our song,
The song we known since our deaths,
Right after we took our final breaths,

We did not deserve this,
Now we fight back with an iron fist,
We shall pull through,
Our souls will be freed soon,

Together we fight for peace,
Then this never ending nighmare will cease,
We must stay together,
Must fight alongside one another,

To achieve our main goal,
To release our poor little souls,
Now friends are you with me,
This chance final it shall be,

Let's not put it to waste,
Our only chance to escape this place,
If we decide to do nothing and remain,
Other innocent souls will suffer the same fate,

We must stop the evil before its too late,

It will all be worth it in the end,
No more time with this place we shall spend,
We shall be freed of our sorrow,
And watch our dear family from below,

To gain our spots as angels above,
Our friends and families shall forever have our love,
Well escape a place of screams and horrors,
To come to a place with crystal floors,

A world of beauty in the sky,
Where the brightest stars lie,
This will be the end of our sadness,
But for now we have to focus never the less,

To be strong and fight for what's right,
To roam and awaken each night,
Soon to release our balloons,
But for now we will have to pull through.  

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