Undertale: Judgement Duel

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I don't why it had to end like this
A ending of misery instead of bliss
All I know that it was all up to you
Now I can see your sins seeping through

I should have seen this coming but now it's too late
Its now my job to send you to Hells gates
Go ahead and step forward
You should know by now that I'm no coward

In another time we could have been friends
But kid, you chose this end
You've stepped over this line
Now your gonna have a bad time

Go and try to strike me with that knife
But I won't left you take another life
Not after killing those who I held dear
I stand my ground and show no fear

A broken promise I watched you through
Today I shall put judgement upon you
Blast and shatter your soul into pieces
But your determination never ceases

Even if we dueled to the death I'd still win
Cause I'd never let you live without judgement for your sins
I've watched your journey through shadow
Each kill each save I followed

All building up to this moment
Now I have decided you punishment
Kids like you don't deserve a happy ending
Now I have gaster blasters ascending

To strike down a killers life of sin
To end this corrupted Timeline we live in
Maybe we'll be friends once again
Or your efforts will just be pretend

To many endings to keep count
All begining the moment you climbed this Mt
Mercy or Genocide, its your call
For now, let's see who shall fall  

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