The Pages of Harmony MLP Poem

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(((((Hey guys long time no publish! Well this is a poem I've been working on since I read this story called The Pages of Harmony which is a very interesting mlp creepypasta. Pls check it out. I don't know who made it originally but you can find versions of it on here. Pls enjoy! :D (pic made by yours truly!)))))

A secret lies on every turn
No matter what I find, no matter what I learn
I cant seem to find the truth behind
The an ancient Mystery that I feel inclined

To decode and find its purpose
But I've only scrapped the surface
To do the task I must put aside sanity
To supply the Pages of Harmony

For success there must be sacrifice
For that purpose is my device
Twisted tools and mind games must commence
To test and distort every thought and sense

Turn a friends self to their other
To make them bleed and suffer
Must find the true ways to uncover its secret
You'll only find how much you let

Screams of pain and blood splatter walls down bellow
The townsfolk will have yet to know
Experiments done for a greater cause
For peace there there must be loss

The things that I've made others endure and see
All to supply the Pages of Harmony
Haunted by the lost souls of my friends
My sanity is splitting by its ends

But I must continue
The truth will be revealed soon
False memories cloud their minds
Their elements break from their binds

Added to my delicate collection
Through each experiment causes tension
Must hide this secret until the time is right
Hide all the evidence from sight

Even killed the unfortunate ones I love
Curious and worried unaware of the secrets I'm trying to solve
Nightmares worsen and my friends cannot leave
Even my own conscious is against me

But I must continue even if the souls will never be free
To continue the Pages of Harmony
My secret has been found and the time has come
To let the townsfolk know what I have and can become

All elements fuse into one being
Now I look upon the souls in need of saving
From the disharmony that surrounds their hearts
With the help of the selected few we shall make our marks

A new era and empire has come to begin
To rid the world of its sin
Old friends sacrificed shall be honored
Harmony's reach around the world shall be furthered

Ruling over a perfect society together in unity
For I am, the incarnation of harmony

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