Undertale Frisk/Chara: My Curse

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(((Hey guys this poem is about the possibility that down the genocide route that Frisk gets possessed by chara and he has to watch as his friends and world is destoryed by his own hands. And yes in this Frisk is a guy and so is Chara! Anyway hope you enjoy even though it skips a little in time but gets the message acrossed. And one more thing, ya guys know that after you do a genocide route and you do a pacifist route that towards the credits Frisk wakes up in the middle of the night as Chara, well there's a little something like that in this poem! ^-^))))

Normal life now turned to ruin

Wasn't the only fallen human

Eighth and last to fall

Little did I know not to answer a unknown call

No control whatsoever anymore

Helpless I watch each kill with hidden remorse

In the shadows of my mind I remain

As blood and hate fall upon my name

He took over and plans to end it all

As much as I try no one hears my frantic calls

Unfair fates upon those I found to hold dear

Now because of me their life is full of pain and fear

Traveling through the underground world

Destroying the balance and order

How could I've been so blind

How naive I was at the time

A false friend in need I aided

He took my body after I he persuaded

Knife in hand strikes them down

Long after no soul will be found

One remains with hatred for the murder his kin

By now I feel down my back my sins

Countless times of battles and of judgment

But soon one will become triumphant

Alone he was to avenge his friends

After seeing in the shadows each of their ends

Me forced to battle the one know sees the possibilities

He had not seen this coming unfortunately

Tears and cries erupt from me

All I wanted was everyone to be free

But I fell down a dangerous path

Now the world falls victim his wrath

He erased the world he destoryed

I was his puppet his toy

Even not I claim the blame

I called out for a friend but nobody came

I need to make this right

But even so he'll visit each night

Reminding me of my past mistakes

The hard way taught me which path to take

Curiosity and a child's nativity were my weakness

I should have never taken that risk

Marked forever in this universe

For that is now my curse

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