Personal: Revolution

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((((Hey guys I don't own this picture. It belongs to its rightful creator. I own the poem though so no stealing))))

I always worry for things about me
Will I fall into the expectations of society's
But which ones?
Cause they vary everyday

Every generation there's a group with determination
To make things right, for the better of everyone
What things can be done or undone
So the wrongs of society will finally face extermination

But is it all so easy?
No its not
It's never like an easy breeze
And that's how human nature is
Its complicated

And you never know the differences
Or righteousness and sin
Will I be one to rise up against it
And accept my flaws for they are who I am
And create and inspire
Through all the hatred, critics, and hellfire

Or will I go down the path of the damned
Where my human greed and expectation will get a hold of me
A path that is not easily set for me to break free
Everyone's eyes are on me now
An audience that is never quite satisfied

But I'll still try
For to sins of society and expectations I will never bow
I make my own path
Through the thick and thin
I'll sit where the others before me sat
And let my lead my way I trend

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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