Error Sans - Puppet Master

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  Strings upon anothers soul
Wrap and coil to form my goal
To rid the universe of anomalies
I wind my web so tightly

A singular world must only exist
Millions upon millions on the dreaded list
Created only to be destroyed
They are all but meer toys

Puppets that I control by my strings
Never to keep on living
Errors and glitches in the system
Each and every monster living within them

A past unknown only met with white
A space so empty with nothing in sight
This is my origin and my home
So desolate and so alone

​Determined to destroy them all
To cause each one of their downfalls
​​​​With my blue puppet strings aligning the show together
They shall be part of my puppet show forever

To know the sadness that I have felt
To know the pain that I have dealt
Watch their friends wither away
To be afraid

A monster I have become
Never knowing love
Only knowing destruction that I can cause
Just one of my many flaws

Versions of myself live different lives
Th​​​em I despise
Why do they get a happy ending
Where I only met a terrible beginning

The quiet and voices within my head
I have become the monster beneath my bed
Consumed by hate and insanity
Longing to be free

Now I unleash my bitter wrath
In the end I'll get the last laugh
Once was a normal soul
Until insanity took its toll

I am the puppet master of this show
For those who may not know
Covered and unaffected by my past sins
Just take a seat and let's have the show begin  

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