Pokemon Eevee Song - Shining Star

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Ever since I was young, Pokemon was my game
Just the anime and cards but it was still the same
But among the many creatures both powerful and strong
There's one that will stay in my heart where it belongs

The adaptable Pokemon
My treasure among them all
A cute brown fox with those curious eyes
Little did I know you'd changed my life

Letting me know at my darkest moments
To be myself and my will never to be bent
Never let the wave of hate change you
To stand you ground through and through

Until the right moment where you it's right
Where your still who you are without having fight
Always wanted to be changed but it's always your choice
Speak your voice

Always stay who you are
You'll always be a shining star
As long as you stand up strong
Knowing that you belong

Just be you and never change
Until the day you reach your final stage
I'll always be there for you
Your time to shine is coming soon

Different forms that you can be can be so confusing
Which one to choose and what aspect of yourself you'll be losing
As change passes so does you

And I know that my time of change is coming soon
Whether I am ready or not I know to stay calm
To take it and stand tall

Words of hate surrounded world
Among them all is this little girl
Who found their hope and their dearest friend
Who will stay til the end

Discriminated for being different from them all
You picked me up when I was near my fall
Like a angel from above taking my hand
I will always be your biggest fan

I don't care what the others say
I won't let the negative of this world lead me astray
I know how you fell day in and day out
But that's not being who you are is about

Always stay who you are
You'll always be a shining star
As long as you stand up strong
Know that you belong

Just be you and never change
Until the day you reach your real stage
I'll always be there for you
Your time to shine is coming soon

I don't know why everyone wants me changing but I guess that's how you feel
Forced to change automatically and it doesn't feel real
A nightmare at most since you may never get another chance
Not looking at who you are with a second glance

Well my friend I won't force you to change
It's your life and you chose how you want it arranged
Just thought of as just another data entry
But to me your the key that set me free

I look into your eyes seeing true potential
Each moment each day is existential
Prove not to them but to yourself
That your not just some toy to put back on the shelf

Your the metamorphosis the change in this world
That shows us that we each get a turn
To chose our fates the way we see it
The fire in our eyes and souls will stay lit

Always stay who you are
You'll always be a shining star
As long as you stand up strong
Know that you belong

Just be you and never change
Until the day you reach your real stage
I'll always be there for you
Your time to shine is coming soon

​​​​​​To lead our way through life wide and far
All thanks to you, my brightest star  

   (((((((((So I was thinking about Pokemon, more specifically an Eevee since it's the Pokemon that I love the most. The songa feels got to me and I was thinking about Pokemon affected me but the Pokemon that affected me the most was Eevee.
​​​​​​ Basically it's the Pokemon who adapts to its surroundings by different causes and always I see the moment my friend get an Eevee in any game, they automatically evolve it. I get that they want to have a strong pokemon but still it makes you think that your forcing a Pokemon o be something it doesn't want to be. Eevee is always the Pokemon people want to change and it kinda reminds me of myself. When I was younger, I was always changing and people were trying toake me be someone I wasn't. When I was going through a bad phase in my life, Pokemon cheered me up and the Pokemon that stood out was Eevee. This Pokemon has so much potential and can be anything it wants to be yet most of the time people force it to change. Guys the message of this is that never change who you are because someone wants you to. Stay who you are as long as it doesn't hurt your being or those who care about you. Being yourself is the best thing to be and it can help you reach your goals. Life is all about changing but not your whole self all together. So I hope you guys like this and enjoy! ))))))))

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